Rhif 104. Golygwyr:—D. Jenkins, Mus. Bac. a D. Emlyn Evans. THE Y GWIR YN Ê I1 ERBYN Y BYD. ROYÄL NÄTIONAL /l\ EISTEDDFOD OF WALES, NJ5WPORT, (Mon.), August 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, 1897. PEIZES3 £1,810- IEUSTTIEìIEIS, O^^Tl 1,600, . 01ive Grey, Mr. Ben Davies, Mr. Gwilym Richards, Mr. Ffrangcon Davies, Mr. David Hughes, Miss Llywela Davies, A.R.A.M., Mr. John Thomas fPencerdd GwaliaJ, Eos Dâr. Band and Chorus 600 performers. Grand Concerts every Evening:—On Monday Evening (Bank Holiday), Grand Military Concert by the Band of H. M. Royal Marines, Plymouth (Conductor, Mr. Franlc Winterbottom). Other Evenings:—Mendelssohn's Grand Oratorio " Elijah." Sir A. C. Mackenzie's Cantata "Dream of Jubal." First perform- ance Choral Ballad " The Battle of the Severn " (D. C. Wil liams). Orchestral Music by the Grand Orchestraof 100 Per- formers. National Music—the Eisteddfod Chorus 500 voices. Eisteddíod I>ay Meetings commence 10-30 a.n). : Evening Concerts, 7 p.m. Reserved öeats .t ÿeason Tickets boofced in advance, on application to Hon. Gen. Sec.:—A. J. Philiiís, Elieola. Caerleon Iîd., Newport (Mon.) ('lieap Kxenrsions from all parts, returning to places within reasonable distance after Concerts. For full partienlars see Iîailway urransrements. CHIEF CHORAL (200 voices), Prizes. £200 & £50. (8 entries). Second Choral (100 voices), Prizes, £75 & £25. (18 entriesì. Male Choirs (80 voices), Prizes, £70 & £10. (lSentries). Female Choirs, (30 voices), Prizes, £25 & £10. (8 entries). Congregational Choirs (50 voices), Prizes, £30 & £10. (6 entries). Glee Competition (30 voices), Prize £15. (18 entriesl. Orchestral Band Competition. Prizes £50 & £10. (5 entries). Vocal Çuartets. Duets, Solo and Instrumental Competitions daily. Chairing of the successful bard (19 competitors). Crowning of the successful bard for Heroic Poem (10 competitors). Chief Literary prize ^IOO). (5 competitors,) &c, &c. Grand opening day,—Bank Holiday, Aug. 2nd. with Brass and Military Bands Contests, commencÌDg at one p.m. (11 entries'. Admission at popular prices. Artistes :—Madame Medora Henson, Miss Magsie Davies, Miss Marion Evans, Miss CJara Butt, Miss Ceinwen Jones, Miss PIAITOS ^.JSTD ORGAHS On ihe Easy Paymeni System ; delivered Free on Paymeni of Firsi Insialment. o .-e THE ffiSÎ 4 CHEAPEST HOÜSEIN WALES. »-s6 § o ©. ^3 "** £ì o £3 m os o o-a >. o tíS ■23- « o: « S í «•-> O, h.«3 05 ; << o II lí S3 3 c §3 10/6 per month, Walnut Cottag. l'ii.noforte, hon Frame, t heck Actiou, Full Trichord, Brass Pinplate. Truss Sapports, Panel Front wlth Gilt Incision or Marquetry, tfcc. Delivered on Payment of TEN SHILLLNGS AND SIXPENCE, O Ti .A. INT EJ S ' BTJILDING-S, NEW ILLTJ8TRATED CATALOGUE (64 pages) NOW READY. R. THORNTON JONES, Manageb, ~W IB. E IS HE .A. JsO. - HUGHES AND SON, CYFOEDDWYR, 56, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM.