r. ix. MEHEFIN 1, 1897. Rhlf 102. Golygwyr ■:-—D. Jenkins, Mus. Bac. a D. Emlyn Evans. °" 2 o S 3 o a ü H M O r« PIAITOS .A-JSTID ORGhAIsrS 0/; f/?e fasj- Payment Sysiem ; delivered Free on Payment of First Instalment THE BEST & GHEAPEST HOÜSEIN WALES. «* s a s o° » o H í; ü2 2 o-o >. o aa' 11! c s í ,M<tí3 lr 3§ lí g • • 3 g ffi ö o I- o g ì! I-1 'p, t* 10/6 per montli, Walnut Cottage Pianoforte, Iron Frame, Check Action, Full Trichord, Brass Pinplate. Truss Supports, Panel Front with Gilt Incision or Marquetry, <fcc. Deliyered on Payment of TEN SHILLINGS ABD SIXPENCE, CEANES' BUILDINGS, NEW ILLTJSTRATED CATALOGUE (64 pages) NOW READY. R. THORNTON JONES, Manager, "WEEXHAM. THE ROYAL Y GWIR YN NATIONAL /l\ ERBYN Y BYD. EISTEDDFOD OF WALES, NEWPORT, fMon.J, August 3, 4, 5 & 6, 1897. PEIZES IIDT jyCTTSIO^L SEOTION, dBÖOO, COMPETITIONS. CHIEF CHORAL (200 voices), lst Prize, £200 (with Gold Medal to Conductor); 2nd Prize, £50. ÌSecond Choral (100 voices), Ist Prize £75 (with Gold Baton to Conductor); 2nd Prize, £25. Choirs of One Congregation (50 voices), lst Prize, £30 ; 2nd \MaUChoirs'(80 voices), Ist Prize, £70 ; 2nd Prize, £10. . \Female Choirs, (30 voices), lst Prize, £25 (with Gold Medal to Conduetor); 2nd Prize, £10. \Olee Party,—Prize £15. Yotal Solos for Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Contralto, Tenor, Bari- tone and Bass, Prizes 5 Guineas each. \Voeal Öuartets, Duets, dic. ÌOrchestral Band Competition, Prize £50 (with Gold Medal to Conductor). ________ Pianoforte Solo, lst Prize, £10. Harp Solo, lst Prize, £10. Brass and Müitary Bands, £40 each, &c, &c. ADJUDICATOES. Sir A. C. Mackenzie, Mus. Doc, Principal R.A.M. ; Professor Walter Macfarren, R.A.M. ; Professor John Thomas (Pencerdd Gwalia), R.A.M.; Messrs. D. Enilyn Evans, Roland Rogers, Mus. Doc, David Jenkins, Mus. Bac. Albert Williams, Mus. Bac. (Bandmaster of the Royal Grenadier Guards). For further particulars see List of Subjects published by William Jones, Cambrian Printing Works, Newport, Mon ; post free, 7d. Or apply Hon. Sec, Musical Section, 14, Church Road, Newport, Mon. 1Í-.-AT rìvnf\T?T\T\xtr%7"D cc __tt/->-ptjgrnPT?T?T tirmayrr«■»»