Hsm pyf. XX. IYIAWB.TH 1, 1897. Rhif 99. THE Y GWIR YN i I 1 ERBYN Y BYD. ROYÄL NATIONAL /l\ EISTEDDFOD OF WALES, NEWPORT, (Mon.), Angust 3, 4, 5 & 6, 1897. PEIZES IN MUSICAL SEOTION", £900. COMPETITIONS. CHIEF CHORAL (200 voices), lst Prize, £200 (with Gold Medal to Oonductor); 2nd Prize, £50. Second Choral (100 voices), lst Prize £75 (with Gold Baton to Conductor); 2nd Prize, £25. Choirs of One Conyregation (50 voices), lst Prize, £30 ; 2nd Prize, £10. Male Choirs (S0 voices). lst Prize, £70 ; 2nd Prize, £10. Feiaale Choirs, (30 voices), Ist Prize, £25 (with Gold Medal to Conductor); 2nd Prize, £10. Glec Party,—Prize £15. Focal Solos for Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Contralto, Tcnor. llari- tone and Bass, Prizes 5 Guineas each. Vocal Quartets, Duets, &c. Orchestral Band Competition, Prize £50 (with Gold Medal to Conductor). Pinnoforte Solo, lst Prize, £10. Harp Solo, Ist Prize, £10. Brass and Military Bands, £40 each, &c, &e. ÄDJUDICÄT0RS. Sir A. C. Mackenzie, Mus. Doc, Priucipal R.A.M. ; Professor Walter Macfarren, R.A.M. : Professor John Thomas (Pencerdd GiroMa). R.A.M.; Messrs. D. Emlyn Evans, Roland Rogers, Mus. Doc, David ,Tenkins, Mus. Bac. Albert Williams, Mus. Bac. (Bandmaster of the Royal Grenadier Guards). For further particulars see List of Subjects published by William Jones, Cambrian Printing Works. Newport, Mon ; post free, 7d. Or apply Hon. Sec, Musical Section, 14, Church Road, Newport, Mon. PIAITOS _A_JSTID ORG-AITS On the Easy Payment System ; delivered Free on Payment of First Instalment, THE BEST & CHEAPEST HDUSEIN WALES. * s..i oâá' fcoíep c „ ■— .2 -js 0 » p III 1 2 >. *< § c - fi S ~ < <" E «^ e 10/6 per Panel CEANES' BI7ILDI1TGS, NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE (64 pages) NOW READY. R. THORNTON JONES, Managee, WEEXHAM. HTJGHES ANI) SON, CYHOEDDWYR, 56, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. iiiiir'ìnininfinnaMMataMi ■tfMHHtf ■ ■' ' ■