Rhoddir DARLUN o WILLIAM THOMÂS, Treorci, gyda'i Hanes ef a'r Cor Brenhinol, yn y Rhifyn hwn. Cyf. VIII. n££SHI!FIN 1, 1896. Rhlf 90. PIANOS! PIANOSH PIANOSIÍ From lOs. Monthly, LAEGEST STOCK 1N THE^RINGDOM. THOMPSON<UHACKELL, Limited, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF, Also at Swansea, Newport, Brístol, Merthyr, Brídgend, G/oucester, Pontyprídd, and Llanelly. ^ Sole Agents for South Wales for the Estey Organs and the Neumeyer and Ibach Pianos- Agents for Pianos by Oollard & Oollard, Broadwood, Brinsmead, EMman, & all Leading Mafcers- Organs by Estey, Mason & Hamlin, and all best American Pirms. [CARRíAGE FREE T0 ANY PART. Y GWIE Y N /l\ ERBYN Y BYD. Tàe ììojat îlationat Siâteddfod of Wateé, Xiij^3sriD'Grx)3sro7 june 30, july 1, 2, 3 & 4, 1896. Conductorsr-CYNONFARDD & CADVAN. Presidents:—Rt. Hon. Lord Mostyn : Rt- Hon The Earl of Den- bigh ; Sir W- W. Wynn, Bart-; Sir Jno- Puleston ; Principal Jno- Rhys, M.A., Ll- D. ; Piof- Herkomer, RA.; Rev- Herber Evans. D.D- ___________________ PRIZES, £1,500; ENTRIES, 1,200. CHIEF CHORAL COMPETITION (180 voices), Prize 200 gs. ' (6entries) ; GRAND CHORAL COMPETITION (70 voices), £70 prize (7 entries) ; MALE CHOIR COMPETITION, £42 prize (10 entries); FEMALE CHOIR COMPETITION, Ist prize £25 (7 entries) ; VOCAL GJTARTETTES, DUETTS and SOLO COMPETITIONS daily ; ORCHESTRAL & INSTRU- MENTAL COMPETITIONS ; CHAIRING OF THE BARÜ, Prize £40 and Bardic Chair (16 competitors); CROWNING OF THE BARD, Prize £20 and Silver Crown (9 entries). The Gorsedd will assemble at the Happy Valley every morning at 9 o'clock. Artistes:—Miss Macintyre, Miss Maggie Davies, Miss Gertrude Hughes, Madame Belle Cole, Miss Hannah Jones, Mr. Ben Davies, Mr. Lloyd Chandos, Mr. Hirwen Jones, Mr. David Hughes, and Mr. Ffrangcon Davies. Band and Chorus 450 performers,—Conductor, ür. Roland Rogers. GRAND CONCERTS every evening. The Programme will in- clude the First Performance of the following New Works :— Dr. Joseph Parry's Historic Cantata " CAMBRIA ;" Dr. Roland Rogers' Prize Cantata "THE GARDEN;" and Mr. G. H. Pugh's Choral Ballad " IVRY," for Soli and Chorus. On Friday Evening, July Srd, Handel's " MESSIAH;" Artistes:—Miss Macintyre, Madame Belle Cole, Mr. Lloyd Chandos, Mr. David Hughes. GRAND FINALE, Extra Day. BRASS BAND CONTEST. Some of the Best Amateur Brass Bands in the tangdom will take part in this competition. Popular prices,-Best Seats, 2s.; Seoond Seats. ls, The Eisteddfod Day Meetings will commence at 10 a.m. EVENING CONCERTS at 7 p.m. Admission from ls. upwards. Reserved Seats and Season Tickets booked in advance on application to Richd. Jones, General Secretary, Llandudno. Cheap Excursions from all parts, returning from Llandudno after the Concert. For full particulars, see Railway Arrangements. HUGHES AND SON, CYHOEDD"WTR, 66, HOPE STREET WREXHÀM