'STRAEON Y PENTAN —D. OWEN\ y 7fed FiL—Gweler U. 2, Hysbysiadaa. Golygwyr:—Mr. D. Jenkins, Mns. Bac. a Mr. D. Emlyn Evans. Cyf. VIII. WIAI 1, 1896. Rhií 89. PIANOSÍ PIANOSI! PIANOSII From lOs. Monthly, LABGEST STOCKJ.N THE ETNGDOM. THOMPSON &. SHACKELL, Limited, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF, Also at Swansea, Newport, Brístol, Merthyr, Bridgend, Gloucester, Pontyprídd, and Uaneí/y. W Sole Agents for Sonth Wales for the Estey Organs and the Nenmeyer and Ibach Pianos- Agents for Pianos by Oollard & Oollard, Broadwood, Brinsmead, Kirkman, & all Leading Makers. Drgans by Estey, Mason & Hamlin, and all best American Firms. [CARRIAGE FREE TO ANY PART. IÜ Ì BÎ r ° ^ < S ° J3 Yn y Rhifyn hwn o'r Cerddor, Ceir DARLUN o WILLIAM JONES, Arweinydd y Carnarvon Vocal Union, Ü3 « fD (5 •t (T> C/> CD HTJGHES Àl«> SON, CYHOEDDWYB, 66, HOPE STEEET WREiHAM