Yn awr yn bmá—Esboniad Newydd Dr. Probert ar yr EPHESIAID. Lltan, 5/-. Golygwyr:—Mr. D. Jenkins, Mus. Bac. a Mr. D. Emlyn Evans. Cyf VII. IVIEHEFIN 1, 1895. Rhif 78. FOR THE LAST TIME. READ THIS The offer we have made regarding the Llyfr Tonau (I. Gwyllt) will not be in force after the 30th DAY OF THIS MONTH OF JTTNE; therefore W* THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WILL NOT APPEAR AGÄÎnÎ To Choirs who will order not less than 12 COPIES, we are prepared to supply the Book in STRONG PAPER COYERS :— 9d. a Copy. 6d. OLD NOTATION - SOLFA - - - - Or as already offered in Cloth— Old Notation, 1/6; Solfa, 1/- Combined with Ail-Attodiad Old WTotation, 3/6; Solfa 2/6. HUGHES & SON, 56, Hope Street, Wrexham. PIANOSÍ PIANOSI! PIANOSII From lOs. Monthly, Ol HEW ÜE^ STSTEÄo LAEGBST STOCK 1N THB RINGDOM. THOMPSON L SHACKELL, Limited, QUEEN'S MUSIO WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF, Also at Swansea, Newport, Bristol, Merthyr, Bridgend, Gloucester, Pontypridd, and Uanelly. WT Sole Agents for South Wales for the Estey Organs and the Neumeyer and Ibach Pianos- Agents for Pianos by Oollard & Oollard, Broadwood, Brinsmead, Kirkman, & all Leading Makers. (Organs by Estey, Mason & Hamlin, and all best American Pirms- [CARRIAGE FREE TO ANY PART. HUGHES AND SON, CYHOEDDWYR, 66, HOPE STREET WREXHAM