Yn barod y mis hm—Esboniad Newydd Dr Probert ar yr EPHESIAID. LẄi^JS Golygwyr:—Mr. D. Jenkins, Mus. Bac. a Mr. D. Emlyn Evans. Cvf VII. CBWEFROR 1, 1895. Rhif 74. PIANOS! PIANOSÍÍ PIANOSÎ! From lOs. Monthly, LABGEST STOCK 1N THE RINGDOM. THOMPSÖÍ L SHAGKELL, LjôdM, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF, Also at Swansea, Newport, Brístol, Merthyr, Brídgend, G/oucester, Pontyprídd, and Llanelly. W Sole Agents for South Wales for the Estey Organs and the Menmeyer and Ibacn Pianos- Agents for Pianos by Oollard & Oollard, Broadwood, Brinsmead, Kirkman, & all Leading Maters- Organs by Estey, Mason & Hamlin, and all best American Pirms- , [CARR/AGE FREE TO ANY PART. Important. ONLY A FEW COPIES REMAINING of VOL. I. or wales; Containing No. 1-8 (May—December, 1894), IN ELEGANT CLOTH, 6/- CLOTH CASES (LETTERED) for BINDING VOL. I. May be had from the Publishers or their Agents, Príce 1/- Binding'YoI. I. in Cloih Case, 2/- Vol. II. commenced with January Number. 6d., Monthly <;iders received by Booksellers andDistributors or the Publishers— HUGHES & SON, " Wales " Office, WREXHAM. _Oarriage should be paid on all parcels. LLWYDDIANT MAWR Y OYLGHGEAWrí DAELÜNIADOL NEWYDD- Y LLENOR DAN OLYGIAETH 0. M. EDWARDS, M.A 96 ttid. PRIS SWLLT. Y mae'r Argraffiad laf (rhai Miloedd) bron allan o Argraff. I'w gael trwy Lyfrwerthwyr neu y ., Cyhoeddwyr— HUGHES & SON, 56, Hofe Street, WREXHAM. ProYÎncial Eisíeddíod Welshpool. • iiii' ■:'■iiiiii'T'illiH' 'i 'UIIU'ü ■'ííin'lí iilüi' |i uillii"iwilllli"|i iiiiiii"|i'iiiiiii •|'iiuii"Tuil 13th & 14th JUNE, 1895. POWIS CASTLE PARK flii/ lcind permission ofthe Earl ofPowisJ. TOTAL AMOTJNT OF PRI2ES, £245. Full list of Subjects and Prizes now ready, 2d. each; post free, 2^d.; can be obtained from the Secretary— Fredericr D. Ward, 19, Broad Street, Welshpool. HUGHES AND SON, CYHOEDDWYR, 56, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM.