Cyf V. mA.WM.TH. 1, 1*93. Rhif 51. Golygwyr : IWLr. X». ienkìns, Mus. Bac, a lYEr. ö. Emlyn Evans. Newydd ei chyhoeddi yn yr HEN NODIANT Y PYSGODWYR: The Fishermen: Canig Ddesgrìfiadol i T.TB.B. Descrìptiue Glee for T.T.B.B. Gan T. MALDWYN PRICE, R.A.M. Canig Fuddugol Mae wedi ei dewis i Eisteddfodau— Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llandudno, Llun y Pasg, ________Lerpwl, 1884. Ma Gorphenaf 6ed, Rhagorol i Gystadleuaeth^ L/anfyllin, Gorphenaf 7fed. Dr. JOSEPH PARRY says : " Its author possesses the rare gift of awen, * * he is the ablest musician and has fnrnished the best. the most effective andusefal Glee in this Competition.'"—Adjudication. HEN NODIANT, 12 t.d., 4c; SOL-FFA, 2g. | 0. N., 12 p.p. (quarto), 4d.; SOL-FA, 2& HTJGHES & SOOST, 53, HIO^HJ STEEET, -WIÎ,H!^:i3:-Ä.3WC. jsiew hire system. PIANOS, ORGANS, HARMONIUMS BY ALL THE LEADING MAKERS, AT F R O M S/- Itontlil^, LARGEST STOCK 1N THE KINGDOM. THOMPSÖI& SÌACEELL, Ltd, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF, Also at Swansea, Newport, Brìstol, Merthyr, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Pontyprìdd, and Uanelly. ®" Sole Agents for Sonth. Wales for the Estey Organs and the Neumeyer and Ibach Pianos- Agents for Pianos by Oollard & Collard, Broadwood, BrÌDsmead, Kirkman, & all Leading Makers'i | Organs by Estey, Mason & Hamlin, and alì best American Pirms- [ILLUSTRA TED CATAL0GUES