Golygwyr: Iftr. D. Jenkins, TCus. Bac, a Mr, D. Emlyn Evans. 1bX JAH—New Edition of Mendeìssohrrs Oratorio, in Tonic. Sol-fa, ls.; Staff Notation to corres- pondj ls. Special rates for large ciuantities. New Secular Cantatas. he Golden Fleece. A Humorous Cantata. "N'ords bv Joseph D by Ëdmund Kogkb8. Staft Notatìon, 2s. 6d. oung Tamlane, Words by 0. J. B. Bibbell. Music by Loris N. Paeeeb. Notation, 2s.; Tonìc Sol-fa, Sd. i:.•:!' : t. Music Staff rhe Song of the Bell. Words by Schillee. Music by T. Mee Pattiso.n, Staff Notation,2s.; Tonic Sol-fa, 8d. New Sacred Cantatas. The Lord of Gold. Words by 3. Stuaut Bogg. Notation, 2s. 6d.; TonicSoì-ía, 9d." ÎIusic by Eo.itr.ND Bogejìs. Stafl he New Jerusalem, Music by T. Mee Fattison. Staff Notation, ls. Gd.; Tonic Sol-ía, üd. acob and Esau. Words br J. Stuabt Bogg. Music by W. IIeniiy Maxfield, Mus. l'.ac, F.C.O. Stafl'Notation, ls. 6d.; Tonic Sol-fa,4d. Faith Triumphant; or, Healing of Naaman. Worda by H. Buttebwobth. Music by G. F. Boor, Mus, Doc. StaffNotation, ls. 6d.; Tonic Sol-fa, 9d. The Gopd Shepherd- Music by T. Mee Pattison. Staff Notation, 2s.; Tonic Star of the East. Words bv J. Stiabt Bogg. Music by W. Hexev Mastield, Mus. Bac, F.C.O. Staff Nbtation, ls. 6d.; Tonic Sol-fa, id. Band Parts for all tbe above on liiro. School Cantatas. The Sleeping Beauty. Ar. Operetta for Schools, by W. S. Roddie. Tonic Sol-fa, 6d.; Staff Notation, with Accompaniments, 2s. The Flower Gatherers." A Cantata for I.adies' Schools, Academics, etc, by T. Mee 1'attiso.n. Tonic Sol-ía, 4d.; Stati'Nclation. with Accompaniments, ls. 6d. l Playmates. A Rinderspiel, by J. C. Gbieve, P.E.I.S. This lias been a most popular work. and wberever performed there bas always been demands for itto be repeated. Tonic Sol-fa, 3(1.; Staff Notation. with Accompaniments, ls. 6d. The Flowers o' the Forest. A Rinderspiel, by ,T. C Gbieve, P.E.I.S. A Com panion work to " Playmates ;" it has also met with prreat suecess, and will prove popular wberever takcn up. Tonic Sol-í'a, 3d.; Staff Notation, with Accom- paniments, Is. fld. Parliament in School. A Cantata, by T. Meb Pattiso.n. Tonic Sol-fa, 6d.; Staft' Notation, with Accompaniments, 2s. The Forest Kovers. An Operetta for Schools, by AV. S. Boddie. Tonic Sol-fa, 4d.: StaffNotation, with Accompaniments, 2s. Punch's Party. A Musical Sketch, by J. O. Mi-bdoch. Tonic Sol-fa, 3d.; Staft Notation, with Accompaniments, Is. 6d. Christmas at School. A Cantata, Lihretto adaptedby D. P. GiLSiorE. Music by W. H. Doane. Tonic Sol-fa, 3d.; Staff Notation, with Accompaniments, Is. The Springtide Holiday. An Operetta for Schools, by "W. S. Roddie. Tonic Sol-fa, 3d.; Staff Notation, with Accompaniments, ls. 6d, London : BAYLEY and FEEGUSON, 34, Paternoster Eow. CrlaSgOW : 54, Queen Street. -^r-—^r-—■*+- NEW HIHE SYSTBH--ÎBOH 10/- M0NTHL7! Special Discount to Cash Buyers. PIÄNOS, ORGÄlSLS, HÄRMONIUMS. LARGEST STOCK in WALES. Catalogues free on application— Thompson & Shackell ( L I M I T E D , ) QUEEN'8 MUSIG WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF. Also at SWANSEA, NEWFORT, PONTYPRIDD, MERTHYR, &,c. WT.B.—Pipe Organ for Sale, only £60. HUGHES AND SON, CYHOEDDWYR, 66, HOPE STREET, WEEXHAM.