Cyf. XXX. CHWEFROR 2, 1891. Rhif. 2.6. Golygwyr: 1¥Er. D. Jenkins, Mus. Bac, a Mr. D. Emlyn Evans. lEîiîJAlî—New Edition of Meudelssohn's Oratorio, in Tonic Sol-fa, ls.; pond, ls, Special rates for large iiuantities. Staff Notation to corres- KTew Secular Cantatas. The Golden Fleece. A Hnmorous Cantata. Words by Joseph Desficht. Music by Edmunh Rooebs. Staft Notation, 2s. Gd. Young Tamlane. Words by 0. J. B. Bieiiell. Music by Loris N. Pabheb. Staff Notation, 2s.; Tonic Sol-fa, 8d. The Song of the Bell. Words by Schilleb. Music by T. Mee Pattisojî, Staff Notation, 2s.; Tonic Sol-fa, 8d. New Sacred Cantatas. The lord of Gold. Words by J. Stüaht Boûg. Music by Edmund Bosebs. Stafì Notation, 2s. tìd.; Tonic Sol-fa, 9d. The New Jerusalem. Music by T. Mee Pattison. Staff Notation, ls. Gd.; Tomc Soi-ía, 6dT Jacob and Esau. Words bv J. Stuaiît Bogg. Music by W. Henhy Masfiei.d, Mus. Bac, F.C.O. Staff Notation, ls. Cd.; Tonic Sol-ía, 4d. Faith Triumphant; or, Healing of Naaman. Words by H. Butteewobth. Music by tì. F. lloor, Mus. Doc. Staff Notation, ls. 6d.; Tonic Sol-fa, 9d. The Good Shepherd. Music by T. Mee Pattison. Staff Notatìon, 2s,; Tonic Sol-ía, 9d. r Star of thp East. Words bv J. Stpabt Bogg. Music by W. Henbî Hasfieed, Mus. Bac, F.0.0. Staff Notation, ls. 6d.; Tonic Sol-fa, 4d. Band Parts for all the above on hire. School Cantatas. The Sleeping Beauty. An Operetta for Schools, by W. S. Boddie. Tonie Sol-fa, 6d.; StaffNotation, with Accompanirnents, 2s. " The Flower Gatherers." A Cantata fov Ladies' Schools, Academies, etc, by T. Mee Battison. Tonic tìol-fa, 4d.; Stafl' Notation, witli Accompaniments, ls. 6d. Playmates. A Kinderspiel, by J. C. Ghieye, F.E.I.S. Thìs has been a most popular work. and w]ierever performcd tliere lias always been demands for itto ue repeated. Tonic Sol-fa, 3d.; Staff Notation, with Accompaniments, ls. 6d. The Flowers p' the Forest. A Kinderspiel, by J. O. Gkieve, F.E.I.S. A Com- panion work to " Playmates;" it lias also met witli great success, and will prove popular wlierever taken up. Tonic t-oi-fa, 3d.: Staft' Notation, witli Accom- paniments, Is. lìd. Parliament in School. A Cantata, by T. Mee Pattison. Tonic Sol-fa, 6d.; Staff Notation, witli Accompaniments, 2s. The Forest Bovers. An Operetta for Schools, by W. S. Roddie. Tonic Sol-fa, iä.; Staff Notation, with Accompaniments, 2s. Punch's Party. A Musical Sketch, by J. O. Mtjedocb. Tonic Sol-fa, 3d.; Stafl Notation, with Accompaniments, ls. 6d. Christmas at School. A Cantata, Libretto adapted by D. P. Gilmoie. Musicby W. H. Doane. Tonic Sol-fa, 3d.; Staff Notation, with Accompaniments, ls. The Springtide Holiday. An Operetta for Schools, by W. S. Roddie. Tonic Sol-fa, 3d.; Staff Notation, with Accompaniments, ls. 6d. IiOndon : BAYLEY and FEEGUSON, 34, Paternoster Eow. CrlaSgOW : 54, Queen Steeet. HEW HIEE SYSTEI-FEOM 10/- MONTHLT! Special Discount to Cash Buyers. PIÄKOS, ORGÄNS, HÄRMOKIUMS, LARGEST STOCK in WALES. Catalogues free on application— Thompson & Shackell ( L I M I T E D , ) QUEEN'S MUSIG WAREHOUSE, CARDÎPF. [Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, PONTYPEÎDD, 3YIEH.THYR, &c. W.B.-Pipe Organ for Sale, only £60. HUGHES AND SON, CYHOEDDWYR, 56, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM.