.111..III..«•••-■ •••--•«••• '••»• .IU»-dl»..l«l>-lW»..III..llll..III..Illt .III..IIR itll.lU.-<ll>-.III. •III-.III..»11»-.lll..lll>.iMt..Ml..ill Rhif. V. Cyf, I l: îî • m îî - 8 "5 ; ■ -: eu~ ^d • ■ : ■ s ■ - ■ ■ ■ ; ■ s ■ t ■ s5 i: i ■ s 8 Cyhoeddiad Misol at Wasanaeth y Bedyddwyr yn Siroedd De-Orllewinol Cymru. GOLYGYDD: PARCH. DAVID EVANS, BLAENCONIN. HYDRFF, 1904. Pris Ceiniog. Support Home Industries! Secure Good Health! By wearing- your own pure wool. W. THOMAS & CO, Gelli Factory, Narberth, Manufacturers of all kinds of Flannels for ^hirts, Dresses, Costumes, Blouses. Cloth, Tweeds and Hosiery. Patterns free by post. In attendance at Narberth, Haver- fordwest, Maenclochog\ and Crymych Markets. hirst Prizesat \Vt.lsh Exhibitions. WHITLAND: G. O. DAVIES, CAXT0N PRINTING WORKS. f^.,,^,^.,,w,.^..w.,||,..,|1,.,w,.,|,,.M|,„,^^