iii..iii..ai> <(ik-ai> <iit..«ni <ii«..m>.iiit.<iii..iiit ..(II. <ii> ;<it..iih .u> .Vi> <n> .<n. <iii -in. <iit ,ni. nt> oii.ui. iii Rhif. IV. Cyf. I. Oz~ -^s Cyhoeddiad Mìsol at Wasanaeth y Bedyddwyr yn Siròedd De-Orl/ewinol Cymru. GOLYGYDD: PARCH. DAVID EVANS, BLAENCONIN. MEDI, 1904. Pris Ceiniog. Support Home Industries! Secure Good Health! By weanng- your own pure wool. W. THOMAS & CO, Gelli Factory, Narberth, Manufacturers of all kinds ot Flannels for Shirts, Dresses, Costumes, Blouses. Cloth, Tweeds and Hosiery. Patterns free by post. In attendance at Narberth, Haver- fordwest, Maenclochog-, and Crymych Marúets. Hrst Prizes at Welsh Éxhibitions. WHITLAND: G. O. DAVIES, CAXTON PRINTING. WORKS. 'l»^MW''l»(W^U<l|l»'M|»'l|I|MUI#Mui'.ui»«l|r lll'MUIMti,,,!,, .,M,Miil.liniiii-MIIMtij,.^,, ,,,,.,,,,..,,,,? S^. ■ ■ - ■