THE WELSH CALYfflSTIC METHODIST RECORD. APRIL, 1853. THE COMFORTER. The manner in which the promise of the Holy Spirit was given by Christ, during his last interview with his disciples before he suffered, was a cheering indication of his desire " to bind up the broken hearted." He had intimated tenderly that he was about to leave them: "little children," said he, "yet a little while I am with you." This announcement had filled them with sadness. He therefore proceeded to console them with a number of precious revelations specially adapted to their then state of feeling. He assured them that there would be a future meeting: " I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also." He told them that the meeting would take place under the happiest circumstances: " in my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you." He also declared that the purpose of his present departure was " to prepare a place" for them. But these delightful disclosures contained no answer to the perplexing question—how was the interval before the meeting to be filled up? The anticipation of the perfectly desolate condition into which they supposed their little company would be thrown when Jesus left them, was well nigh overwhelming. " Why cannot I follow thee now?" was the eager inquiry of Peter, in which, doubtless, he expressed the feelings of all. Was it necessary for them to pass through the portal of death in order to enter the next " guest-chamber," where they should continue their communion with the Good Shepherd? If so, it was but for him to lead the way: " I will lay down'my life for thy sake," said the ardent spokesman of those whose sorrow had locked their lips. As, however, it appeared to be apart of Christ's design that they should be left in the world for the purpose of making known the truth respecting him, they had a painful consciousness of their unfitness for so great a work, seeing that their knowledge of him