THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODIST RECORD. MARCH, 1853. THE SPIRITUAL UNIONS OF CHRISTIANS. " I will give them one heart and one way." The beauty and power of Christ's religion, and its great usefulness to the ■world, depend much upon the union and co-operation of its professors. This is the only religious system in the world that professes to have in itself the essential elements of union and true benevolence. This union is more or less real, just in proportion to the influence these elements exert upon the hearts of spiritual christians. Unless they are one in heart, and that in an evangelical sense, their union of profession is of no great advan¬ tage to the world or comfort to themselves. We are not now speaking of the many social ties which bind man to man, but that which is purely religious, formed and perpetuated by spiritual religion, which is the closest bond known to the human family. The purity and sincerity of all friendship between man and his fellow, depend upon the state of the heart on both sides. All union without this is hollow: one party, though ever so affectionate, sincere, and well-disposed, cannot unite with another party destitute of the same qualities, any more than an alloy of two metals can be produced without the fusion of both. The religion of Christ, as revealed in the gospel, is the only transforming power that can bring about such a fusion of human hearts, as to make them of one mind, moving together in one \va}T. The natural element of all sin is selfishness, causing a separation of hearts; but the tendency of the gospel is to originate good-will to men, and to create a new feeling of social love. Where self- love predominates in the heart, self-interest is always wedded to it, raising an eternal barrier against the union of souls. There is no man upon earth, whatever men may think and boast, but he that is born again of the Spirit and influenced by the grace of Christ, that will or can desire the same advantages and enjoyments for another as he wishes for himself. This assertion may appear startling to minds not accustomed to think on the