THE WELSH CALYINISTIC METHODIST RECORD. JANUARY, 1853. THE BELIEVER'S REFUGE. " The eternal God is thy ltefuge." Man as a sinner is in a state of continual danger: whether sensible of it or not, he is exposed to eternal wrath, and has no claim upon that infinite patience which for the present spares his life. By the wilful transgression of God's holy law he is become a child of wrath; and by the constant practice of sin he has fitted himself for destruction. He has wilfully forfeited the favour and protection of his Maker, in whom alone comfort and safety are found; and has, by bis rebellion, caused all the creation of txod to rise up in arms against him, to destroy him. There is no place, nor any creature, that can give him shelter for one hour, nor any one that will help him to escape the wrath to come. There is a divine warrant issued from the throne of heaven to apprehend him and bring him to the presence of his Judge. All things that exist, animate and inanimate, are ready at the nod of Omnipotence, to execute this mandate. How, then, can he escape? Besides this, there is a dreadful hell—a lake burning with fire and brim¬ stone—beneath his feet, yawning ready to swallow him up, while he hangs by the brittle thread of life above the devouring flame. There are also strong, armed, and unseen enemies, continually going about, fully resolved to destroy him: by fraud and by force attempting his eternal ruin. "What can he do in this perilous position? To whom may he turn for succour? Who will befriend him? "O that sinners were wise, that they understood this!" Still there is hope. The tender eye of divine love is fixed upon the lost sons of Adam. Mercy sits by the side of wisdom and righteousness, and cries out from the ramparts of eternal power, saying—" Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope." The everlasting God, the Holy One, who sits upon the throne of justice, who hates all sin—delights in mercy; has become Himself a hiding place from the storm of wrath: " The eternal God is thy