THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODIST RECORD. MAY, 1852. THE OFFENCE OF ONE. " Am. Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." Every truth is useful and important, but all truths are not equal in importance. Our guide for selecting and distinguishing them is, the place given to subjects and the notice taken of them in the word of God. Sin is set forth very prominently in the Bible, in order that an impression may be made upon the hearts of all men answerable to its weight and importance, and that it may not be regarded as a theme for mere idle speculation. But all sins are not placed on an equality a? to the evil that is in them: the offence of one is singled out as the very worst of sins. There is a peculiarity attached to it which justifies us in making a distinction between this and all others; thereĀ¬ fore we wish to claim the reader's attention to a few particulars with refeiv ence to this peculiarity, as clearly set forth by Paul in the 5th of Komans. 1. This offence is singled out with reference to the state of the person who Committed it. Adam was not a sinner by nature, but was created on the image ofj0od: " Let us make man," said the Creator, "in our image after our likeness." He became a sinner by what he did in his own person: all others sin because they are sinners by nature, the sinfulness of their nature having been originated by his offence. The relationship which existed between him who committed this offence and his posterity never existed between any others of the human race. His reĀ¬ lationship to us is evident when we consider the consequences of his offence to all mankind: "By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." " By one man's offence death reigned by one." " By the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation." His offence could not thus be the ruin of all men, if they were not related to him in such a way as perfectly to justify the consequences of it to all the world.