THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODIST RECORD. FEBRUARY, 1852. THE DUTIES OF THE CHUKCHI TO HER MINISTERS, AND TO THE WORLD. AN ADDRESS DELIVERED AT AN ORDINATION OF MINISTERS AT A QUARTERLY ASSOCIATION HELD AT CARNARVON, SEPTEMBER, 1851, BY THE REV. HENRY REES, OF LIVERPOOL. " We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellow-helpers to the truth." Whenever the Lord brings men into relationship to one another, whether in His grace or in His providence, the parties have always some peculiar duties to perform the one towards the other. So have the ministers of the word towards the churches, and the churches towards them. The church, also, composed of office bearers and members, has important duties to fulfil towards the world. God—as one divine says—had promised Canaan to Abraham, but it was necessary that Israel should take possession of it; and so the world to Christ, but christians, according to His command, must overcome it, and take possession of it in His name. This is the great object of the church and its ministers;—it is for this they are to exist. But each party has its own peculiar work, in order to bring about this end. Marry of the most important duties of the church to the world are to be performed by the instrumentality of hsr ministers. Whatever, therefore, she does, or ought to do, in order to aid them in the performance of those duties, she thereby fulfils her own duty to the world. Through them, especially, the saints are to uphold the doctrine of the faith, the discipline and good order of the churches. In their persons they are to go into all the world, and teach all nations, making manifest the savour of the knowledge of Christ by them in every place, and thus, in accordance with the testimony of their Redeemer, become "the light of the world," and "the salt of the earth." • i