THE WELSH CALVIN-ISTIC METHODIST RECORD. JANUARY, 1852. THE MESENT ASPECT OF THE CONNEXION AND OUR AIM. A member of the Church of England, in writing about the founders of Welsh Methodism, says that these excellent men did not at first contemplate a permanent secession from the Establishment, but merely intended, for a time, "to supply her lack of service." This is undoubtedly true; and yet we have the fact before us, that the Connexion has existed for more than a century, and, at the present hour, exhibits no signs of decay. Con¬ sidering the great end for which it was originated, and looking back to the large measure of success which the Head of the Church has given to accompany its efforts, who is there among us that will not say,—"so long- as it shall answer the glorious purpose for which it was formed, as an agency for glorifying Christ and saving men, let itjeontinue?" Obeying the dictate of mere feeling, we should be almost disposed to exclaim, even if we saw the venerable fabric roofless, with the grass growing in its courts,— let no sacrilegeous hand be stretched forth to disturb a stone or to tear away a leaflet of the ivy that mantles its nakedness, for within its , precincts have been heard the lessons of calm and pregnant wisdom which fell with holy solemnity from the lips of Thomas and David Charles; along its aisles have softly rolled, melting the hearts of men as they passed, the rich, persuasive tones of David Jones, Langan,—Ebenezer Richards, Tre¬ garon,—and John Evans, Llwynfortun; from its walls have been sent back the loud echoes of the thunders which burst from the impassioned souls of Howel Harris, Daniel Rowlands, Ebenezer Morris, and John Elias, alarming the most unconcerned and making the stoutest quail! Let it stand until it shall sink to the dust of itself, for its arches have rung with the glad Hosannas of tens of thousands of "babes and sucklings," who there have been taught to know and love the "Son of David;" let it stand, for from the