I < ■ '..ff JOHN P. THOMAS'S JULY, 1891. One Penny. TO THE INHABITANTS OP ABERYSTWYTH AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. t > _"■• >~ JOHN P. THOMAS, in order to bring his Special Preparations, *-* Proprietary Articles, &c, more prominently to the notice of the public, than by the means he has hitherto adopted, has decided to issue his Monthly Advertiser, in which will be found full iiir >rmation respecting his Specialities, as well as a short list of Drugs nd other articles sold at his Establishments. Dep< with t He trusts that by intermixing the pages with choice reading, and deal asems of local and general interest, he will succeed in making the comm&x^vertiser, if not attractive, yet acceptable to the public. For a time the Advertiser will be free to every household, ;ocir Du^ should a very great expense be entailed, the Proprietor will be obliged to make a small charge at some future date, ,...■.-, Correspondents desirous of writing articles of interest are cordially invited to contribute monthly, when fair space will be allowed them to show their talents. Political, denominational, and all subjects of a partisan re, are rigorously excluded. Communications must be sent to the 'Mliior not later than the 25th of each month, • / fv move such x. Novr."..........yy