ADAM EVANS'S MACHYNLLETH STANDARD. A NON-POLITICAL PUBLICATION. CIRCULATION, 500 MONTHLY. Vol. II.—No. 13. MACHYNLLETH, JANUARY 16th, 1892. Gratis. Announcements of Sermons, Concerts, Entertainments, Sales by Auction, Horti¬ cultural Shows, Eisteddfodau, Public Meetings, Bazaars, etc.. when the printing for them has been done by Adam Evans, are inserted gratuitously in the " Standard." As the "Machynlleth Standard" is published monthly and distributed gratuitously in almost every house in the town and neighbour¬ ing villages, and posted to every gentleman's seat in the district, it is a good medium for Advertising, the charge for which will be ls.6d. per inch deep, for each insertion. FREEHOLD BUILDING PLOTS FOE SALE. APPLY TO— Mr I B. DAYIES, Rock Foundry, Machynlleth. Cymdeithas Lenyddol Llanbrynraair. TKABDODIR DARLIT AE HIRAETHOG " YN YB, HEN GAPEL, LLANBRYNMAIR, Nos Lun, lonawp 25ain, 1892, GAN HWFA MON. CADEIRYDD :—PARCH. D. STANLEY DAYIES. Drysau yn agored am 6, i ddechreu am 6.30. Mynediad i mewn trwy Docynau. — Oriel, ls.6ch. Llawr, Is. Plant dan 12 oed, haner pris. Th® Standard " Office. Printing by Gas, Printing by hand, Printing from type, By your command. Printing in Black, Printing in white, Printing in colours Both sombre and bright. Printing for Merchants And land agents, too; Printing for any "Who've printing to do. Printing for Bankers, Clerks, auctioneers; Printing for druggists, Por dealers in wares. Printing for Drapers, For grocers, for all Who want printing done, And want us to call. Printing of Pamphlets, Or bigger books, too ; And few are the things That we cannot do. Printing of Placards, Printing of bills, Printing of card-notes Por shops or for mills. Printing of Bill-heads, And forms you can get— Legal, commercial, Or "House to be Let."