Itetktttial ^jbtass. By EDWIN SEWARD, F.R.I.B.A. Delivered at the opening of the Session, October 26th, 1893. SOp.HE Cardiff Naturalists' Society is a standing evidence of that ■$315 rapid local development which is constantly recognised as a thriving, growing fact. The Society is almost patriarchal among the public and social organisations of Cardiff. It was formed when School Boards, Technical or Intermediate Schools, or a University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire were not yet heard of, whilst telephone centres and electric light stations were quite unknown. And yet that meeting in a certain September, which is every year becoming more historical to us—that meeting of twenty-six ardent Cardiffians who founded us—was held just twenty-six years ago, and no more. I must in a sincere word express my thanks for the honour you have done me in electing me to the presidential chair of a society to which not only ourselves as townsmen owe very much, but the useful influence of which has been felt and responded to widely beyond our own district. To be called to the place, filled so very ably by our retiring president, Mr. Whitmell, and to be thus associated with the work, and with those members of the Society concerned in it, is a privilege to be truly valued. About two years after the first meeting which I have just mentioned, a map of our district was brought out, I believe by Mr. William Adams, one of the earliest and greatest benefactors of the Society. It was, however, soon found too indefinite in some particulars and too restrictive in others. Some of its shortcomings were pointed out and improvements suggested by Mr. T. H. Thomas in his presidential address five years ago, who showed that the very interesting Silurian sections on the eastern side of the Rhymney river, though within three miles of Cardiff, were outside our nominal district. The question of extension has since