THE SOUTH WALES -ATHEMUM. CONDUCTED BY A COMMITTEE OF GENTLEMEN. No. 4. APRIL, 1846. Price l|rf. HINTS TO CLIMB. The aim of every man's existence is to win happiness: but so beautifully is this piece of selfish egotism incor¬ porated in our constitution, that we cannot win the golden prize without conferring a blessing upon all who are within the circle of our endea¬ vours. . 7 ." J - j Perhaps, of the millions who make up the human world, no two'men ever started first-in life, with the same desired goal in view, so diffe¬ rent from one another are we all, both in mental constitution and the * rela¬ tion to accidents by"* which we are surrounded, and yet as we pass through life's whirling current, we cannot but remark the (equality with which it is distributed amongst mankind: from which we infer, and justly too, that £he prize is within the reach of all. But that man is the more likely to reach the prize,'who builds his hope upon a foundation of both health of body and a contented mind. »It is to this conclusion that we arrive as' we advance in life, •»whet*!haaany *6f the desired objects of our ambition which looked bright is we viewed them from a distance with *lhe* longing ;^es^of youth, but shew themselvesi*jjttj»n being grasped, to be nothing butf va? lueless glitter, or perhaps^ey\'roay ;;^di%way altogether fromfouriighti si^Fl^trae^bbject 6f every man's ambition should be that which is most within coinpasfWIusabiliUes and acquirements, and, at the same time, that which will confer the greatest amount of good upon his fellow-men. To such well-directed ambition all things are possible, and according to the usefulness of the individual so will society reward him; and that man shews his judgment to be great¬ est, who, by a study of his own powers, chooses the right path in life, the correctness of which is proved by the success with which it is at¬ tended. And the time is now fast approaching, when not only rewards but honours too, shall be showered upon those labourers of society whose occupation requires the greatest men¬ tal endowments to produce the great¬ est benefit to the million. ." tgg^j *__4 •^There aTej in ffiepresenTage,*two classes of men who enter professions; the one, from necessity, must sweat hisbrow that he'roaylive Indepen¬ dent of the ^charity of bthers^and whose powers are* directed' to' exalt his profession; tbebther seeks *V*°". fession 'that willJ|^rhim?*.TO8 •latter tsj^nerally/madeup "blTmen who possess no j natural talent, .and the" profeOTibn^vrhichrthey choose is mostly one bnwhom fashion livishei hefhoTH^imfle^u^^ or*thefbar,f;Bie f^f%a^ieBot V&&'. evil passions: theseare glutted with them.'^TKey "truSfifJo/ the pbtencJJoF awelT-filled purse, and use then; pr£ I fession*1a**a ^passport^through"»the wbrlbV^bV become recognised mem: bers of society through the credit' of