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<25> A RECORD OF CHRIST/AD/ WORK AMONG THE Calvinistic Methodists or Presbyterians of Wales. Vol. III. No. 6.] JUNE, 1887. [Price One Penny. UniYersity College of South Wales ■& MONMOUTHSHIRE (CARDIFF). Enhance Scholarships. THIRTY-THREE SCHOLARSHIPS and EXHIBI¬ TIONS, varying in value from £50 to £10 per annum, will be OFFERED for COMPETITION at the EXAMINA¬ TION on SEPTEMBER 27th, 1887, and following days. The inclusive Tuition Fee is £10. For further information in regard to the Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Prizes offered for competition in the course of the year, see Prospectus, which may be obtained from IVOR JAMES, Registrar. Cardiff, March 10th, 1887. §cl)ola5txc. KINGSLAND SCHOOL, (INTERMEDIATE AND COMMERCIAL), SHREWSBURY. Established In 1848"as a Boarding and Day School, by Mr. J. Poole, who was succeeded by the late Mr. Ferrington. ----------- THIS old established and successful school will now be conducted by MB. J-. 0"W":E2T, formerly a Visiting Agent and Inspector for the British and Foreign School Society; afterwards for four years Tutor at Swansea Training College for Teachers, and from 1876 to 1886 Master of Maengwyn Grammar School, Machynlleth. A complete staff of qualified assistants. The school stands in its own grounds in the most de¬ lightful and salubrious suburb of Shrewsbury. The school-room and dormitories are spacious build¬ ings, constructed especially for school purposes, and are well adapted to conduce to the health and comfort of the pupils. Shrewsbury, though on the borders of Wales, is a thorough English-speaking town, and has a most con¬ venient train service to all parts of the Principality. Pupils are thoroughly prepared for Commercial and Professional vocations, and for the various Public Exami¬ nations. The methods of instruction are modern, and such as are approved by the highest authorities. Prospectuses, containing full information, Terms, &c, may be had on application. The school re-opened January 18th. CLAREMONT SCHOOL^ CLAREMONT BANK, SHREWSBURY. PRINCIPAL — Mrs. HINTON JONES. Assisted by the Rev. W. Hinton Jones, Visiting Masters, and Resident Foreign and English Governesses. Pupils can be re¬ ceived at any time during the Term at propor¬ tionate charges. Pupils prepared for the Local Examinations. LLANDUDNO SCHOOL. President. The Right Honourable LORD MOSTYN. Head Master. W. M. WILLIAMS, B.A., Late of St. John's College, Oxford, assisted by a large staff of tutors. For delicate boys the climate of Llandudno is unsurpassed, (see Statistics.) The Scholarships of the North Wales Schol¬ arship Association are tenable at the School on most advantageous terms. References to leading Presbyterian ministers. Reports of the Public Examiners; addresses by Principal Reichel &c, and all other inform¬ ation may be obtained from T. T. MARKS, Esq., C.E., Hon. Sec. to the Board of Supervision, LLANDUDNO. THE SALOP SCHOOL, OSWESTRY. Head Master :—Mr. JOHN EVANS, M.A. (Classical and Mathematical High Honours Straton Gold Medallist in Mixed Mathematics and Natural Philosophy), Assisted by Qualified Masters. Exhibitions of £5 each will be given to every pupil from this school who will pass the London Matriculation Examination, next July and January, 1888. Also a Scholarship _ of £20 tenable for one year to the best from this school who will enter one of the Welsh University Colleges. Since last Midsummer Three have passed the "CambridgePrevious." During 1885 and 1886, sixteen have passed similar Examina¬ tions from this school—fifteen first time. List of other successes, Civil Service, University Scholarships, London Matriculation (all First Class) on application, Eighty-two passed the Professional Preliminaries—no failures. Young men neglected and those of peculiar temperament successful. The Commercial Department is also conducted with the highest degree of efficiency, to meet modern requirements. Highest references. Next Term commences Jan. 18th, 1887. THE OSWESTRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL (FOR GIRLS), PRINCIPAL-MISS J, E. JONES, (FRENCH ACQUIRED ABROAD, AND MFSIC A* THE ROYAL ACADEMY), ASSISTED BY MISS DOBLE, Cambridge Higher Examination, High Honours; Senior Oxford Local, High Honours; and South Kensington Certificates in Science and Art. And other Certificated Teachers. Prospectuses may be had on Application. IgipThe next Term will Commence on Thursday, May 5th, 1887. LONDON & LANCASHIRE %%it %BBUXKXttt CE¬ RATES MODERATE! LARGE BONUS! Before you Insure, Compare Advantages. THE FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, 66 & 67, CORNHILL, LONDON. E.C. BOARD OF DIROT ION. Chairman—Colonel Kingscote, C.B. Deputy-Chairman—Alderman Sir Thomas Dakin. The Hon. Evelyn Ashley. Chas. Robert Besley, Esq., (Besleys & Wilsons.) Abel Chapman, Esq. (Barton & Co.) Alfred Crampton, Esq. (Copestake, Hughes, Crampton Sir B. N. Fowler, M.P. [and Co. Henry A. Isaacs, Esq. Alderman (M. Isaacs & Sons. John J. Kingsford, Esq. (Kingsford & Lay.) John T. Morgan, Esq. (Middleton, Son & Co.) R. Barclay Reynolds, Esq. (Lathbury & Co.) Samuel Gurney Shepherd, Esq. (Sheppards, Pelly, & All card.) Alderman James Whitehead, Esq. General Manager—William Palin Clirehugh. Capital -£1,000,000 fully subscribed. In com over £361,000. BOTH Companies under the same Management with distinct Funds, thus a saving to Policy holders. Representatives required where not represented. Ad¬ dress in South Wales— RHYS DAVIES, District Manager, Meethtr. Agent at Ce/n, Rev. Hugh Joshua Hughes