INDEX. Runcorn Castle and ferry, 2,16, 293-4, 420-1 .......... priory and church, 4,15 ............ thew or tumbrel, 217 Runic crosses,-403 Runnymede and Roger Lacy, 8 Rupert, Prince, at I,i»erpool, 249 Rushbury, Salop, 827 Rushton tumbrel and pillory, 217 Ruthin Castle noticed, 50 Rye ducking-stool, 210 plate Saddleworth proverb, Yorkshire, not Cheshire, Saffron Walden, 216, 279 Saighton manor-house, 831, 371 Sainthill, Richard.'donor, 432 Salghall, John, Abbot of Chester, 138 Salade or " headpiece.'110 Salisbury Cathedral 129,141, 288, 377, 383 Salt mines of Cheshire, 148-9 Saltney, Chester, 108 Saluces, Alice de, 8 Salusbury, William, governor of Denbigh, 52 Sambucus' Emblems noticed, 349, 357 Sandbach noticed, 150, 221 271 Sandstone of Cheshire. 151 Sandwich ducking-chair and mortar, 213 and plate, 222 San jam apples and St. James' Day, 67 Sankey canal, 19 * Saracenic architecture, 396 Saracen's Head at Chester, 101 Saucy Castle on the Seine, 8 Savage, family pedigree exhibited 127,388 ...........John, constable of Halton,16 ............Sir John, 16,367 ............Sir Thomas, receives James 1,18 Saxifraga Hirculus plant, 151 Saxon "eala hus" and "win hus," 92 Saxons not workers in stone, 334 Scarborough ducking-stool, 204 plate. 208, 232 Searth, Rev. H M., on Uriconium, 311, 430 Scealfing stool, 205 Scold's Bridles, Paper thereon, 33—48 ............or ducking-stool, 204 Scotland and the use of torture, 32 ............its national flags, 393 ............round towers in, 369 Scott, George Gi'bert, 142,432 Scratby Island, Yarmouth, 352 note Seculars compared with Monks, 830-2 Sedburgh a Roman station, 328 Segontium, or Carnarvon, 809, 828 Severn river noticed, 310, 311,432 Shakspeare and Geffrey Whitney, 350 ........„.......references to Cheshire and Wales, IS, 61, 890 .................tavern at Chester, 98 Sharp, Archbishop, and the scold's bridle, 39 Shelderden the bear-ward, 366 Shepton Mallet tumbrel, 213 Shepherd's Play, a Chester mystery, 23 Shrewsbury, battle of, 51 '««,.«« .................bridle and ducking-stool, 39, 226 .................. museum, 316,319 Shutting Low, 156,164 Siddington wooden church, 152 Sldnejr, Sir Philip, 350, 864 Blade's, Rev. Canon, Memorial in Chester Cathedral, 884, 387 .................„.............Speech at Congress, 237 Slave, English-born, in 1820,189 Slaves' torture bridle in West Indies, 88 Smith, C. R., communications from, 313, 321 ................... donor, 432 .......... family of Hough, 96 .-«»•■» ..........William, an author of the Vale Royal, 25,840.354 note Sneyd, Felicia, of Keel, 368 Soldiers, origin of the term, 7 Somerford Park, 159 Southampton sooldlng-stool, 205,208, 209 fioathwell Miarter noticed, 151 South worth, Henry, surveyor of the Tower, 17 Speed, the Cheshire historian, 22, 51 plate, 52,55 Speke Hal), Lancashire, 248, 253 Spencer, Hugh de, Lord of Denbigh, 50 Stafford and Ethelfleda, 293, 305 Staffordshire salt mines, 148 ................... scold's bridles, 34 Stamford and King Edward, 294 Stanlaw Abbey, 5, 409 Stanley, Eleanor, Countess of Derby, 16 ............Sir W., the King maker, 16—17 Stanleys of Lathom, 97 Stapleford tumbrel and pillory. 217 Statham blacks, a soubriquet, 86 Stationers' Company, Chester, 21—30 Stilted Gothic arches, 173 Stirling scold's bridle, 35 Stirry's Hot amongst the Bishops, 351 Stockport bridle and ducking-stool, 31 plate, 45, 217, 234, 255, 271 ...............proverb, 74 .............. viaduct, 165 Stocks noticed as a punishment, 33, 39 Stonemasonry unknown to the Saxons, 334 Storeton ducking-stool, 217 Stourton quarry, 373, 374 Strigulensia, memoir thereon, 432 Stubbe. John, of Yarmouth, 352 note Sutton by Runcorn, why so called, 2 Swine " yoked and ringed," 365 Swinnerton, J. exhibits photograph of brank, 41-2 Tabley noticed, 157,159 Tabor Mount, 380 Tadcaster, the Roman Calcaria, 326 Talbot de Malahide, Lord, speeches at Chester Congress 236, 238, 240 Tamworth and Ethelfleda, 293, 294, 305 Tarn Mere noticed. 152 Tarporley tumbrel and pillory, 217 Tarvin, derivation of the name, 78 Tatton Park noticed. 157 Tattenhall, 274-6, 429 Temeraire, " the old," battle-ship, 428, 432 Temple. Rev. Robert, on death of Rev. W. H. Massie. Ill Tenterden Church and Goodwin Sands, 83 Tethid, a Saxon moneyer, 289 and plate, 299 Theatricals at Chester, 20. 98 Thelwall, ancient fishery there, 4,13 ...............part of Runcorn parish. 4,294 Thew, obsolete punishment 206, 209-210,214 Thornborough, a Roman station, 828 Thorp family, stationers at Chester. 21—80 Thrasyllus, Choragic monument of, 288 Three Crowns tavern at Chester, 97 Tiberias. Sea of, 880 Timber houses and churches. 146,152,259,301, 306,335.898 * Tissington well dressing, 149 Tithes and parishes established in England, 4 Tolcester, a tax upon beer, 94 Tombstones, Roman, 821 Tore of gold at Eaton Hall, 242 Torture, use of in England, 81,254,269 Totnes, "the Walk" there. 145 Tracy, William, and Archbishop Becket, 187 Trafford, near Chester, 409 Trebuchet, or tumbrel, 205, 206 plate Trefnant Church, 119,121 Trevor, Sir John, of Plas Teg,367 Trinitarian boss in Chester Lady Chapel, 135 Trouse, or brushwood, 165 Tumbrel, or ducking-stool, 205—234 Tutbury Castle and Thomas of Lancaster, 11 Twemlow, J., note on Wybunbury Church, 81 Tyndale's New Testament exhibited, 409-10 Union Jack explained, 892 Uriconidm, Paper on, 809—328,424-5, 429-81