221 stool to the pool in the Pool-Fold. In 1590 and 1591, the water ditch having heen taken away and enclosed, the pool was left dry. The old excavations for marl in the pits (called " Daub Holes'") on the side of the present Infirmary, which were^large and deep, having become filled with water, the clicking stool was transferred from the Pool Fold to these pits, and remained there until the 18th century. At Lyme Regis in 1581 " ' The jury present that the tumbrell be repaired and maintained from time to time according to the statute/ In 1583, Mr. Mayor was to provide a tumbrel before All Saints Day, under a penalty of 10s."1 From records of the manor of Sandbach,2 in this county, it appears that, in 1588, an order was passed "That a Pillorie and Cookeing Stool should be set up in some convenient places, at the expense of the Tenants of the Manor, before the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Lady Mary the Virgin then next, sub poena, any one refusing or denying to be contributarie to forfeit three shillings and four pence to the Lord of the Manor" (Sir John Radclyffe, Knt.) In the Corporation account of the neighbouring town of Congleton we find the following entries :— "1592.—Paid Wm. Fox for amending the Cocldestool ..................... ix<k 1595.—Paid for boards and workmanship to the fenderers, and making a damme for the Cockstole................................................ivs. ix<k 1598.—Paid for mending the Cockling stool and setting it np.............. vid. At Seaford,3 in 1594, "the jury present that the Cuckingstole, the Pillory, and the Butts are in a state of decay," and eight years after¬ wards the two former are presented as " defective and out of order." In 1595 "a newe Clicking Stool" appears as an item in the pos¬ session of the Chamberlain of Gravesem!.4 At Coventry,5 " at the gate of the Grey Friars, was also one. and in the Leet Book the following entry occurs, under the date of Oct. 11, 1597—"Whereas there are divers and sundrie disordered persons (cwomen within this citie), that be scolds, brawlers, disturbers, and disquieters of theire neighbors .... it is ordered and enacted at this Leet, that if any such .... do from henceforth scold 1. Roberts' Social History of the Southern Counties, p. 153. 2. Information of T. W. Jones, Esq., of Nantwich. 3. Memorials of Seaford, by M. A. Lower, in Sussex Archoeologica Collec¬ tions, vol. 7, p. 100, et seq. 4. Crnden's History of Gravesend. p. 204. it. The liefifjiiary for January, 1861, p. 155.