NOW READY-CATALOGUE OP PRINTED LITERATURE IN THE WELSH DEPARTMENT, 552 pp. Is., by Post Is. 6d. iThe NI BYDD DOETH NI DDARLLENO. Quarterly Magazine of the Cardiff and Penartk Free Ptiblic Libraries, and the Cardiff Museum. Vol. III. Part 6. MARCH, 1902. PRICE ONE PENNY. or Eightpence per Annum delivered - free. . Illustration—The Spital Cottages......... The Spital Barn ......... The Manor of The Spital............ Notes and News .,. ......... ... Robert Owen and his Works Children and Fairy Tales, by L. Winifred Kempson The Gaelic Renaissance, by Mary Dorothea Evans CONTENTS. PAGE. PAGE. 158 Books for Wales ... 168 162 Book Inscriptions ... 17I 159 List of Books added to the Central Library ... 172 159 ,, ,, ,, Penarth ,, ... 176 164 Cardiff Museum— 166 The New Museum and Art Gallery, again ... 177 166 Museum Notes ... 178 CARDIFF FREE LIBRARIES COMMITTEE. The Worshipful The Mayor (Councillor F. J. Beavan, J.P.) Councillor E. Thomas, J.P. (Chairman). W. Ronnfeldt (Vice-Chairman). Alderman Sanders, J.P. Councillor Bird. i Rev.W.E. Winks, F.R.A.S. H. M. Thompson, M.A. ,, Trounce, J.P. ,, Davis. J. L. Wheatley. Evan Owen, J.P. Brain, J.P. ,, Nicholls. ! E.W. Shackell, J.P. D. Richards. Councillor Good. ,, Richards. Dr. Wallace, J.P. T. J. Lean. Veall. ,, Roberts. . : R. W. Atkinson, B.Sc. Professor Powel, M.A. „ ^:ymonds, J.P. i Rev. J. Hayde. Professor Littledale, M.A W. Jones. Walter Hallett. L. Purnell. PENARTH FREE LIBRARY COMMITTEE. • S. Thomas (Chairman). R. J. Hancock. G. C. Thompson. Albert Taylor, H.M.L j J. M. Jennings. W. J. Kennard. j "Llewelyn Davies. J. H. Illingworth. W. D. Crook. W. E. Singer. CARDIFF MUSEUM COMMITTEE. The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor F. J. Beavan, J.P.) Councillor Illtyd Thomas (Chairman). Alderman Trounce, J.P. j Councillor Norman. Councillor Andrews, J.P. j „ Nicholls. E. Thomas, J.P. I „ Richards. ,, Crossman. ,, ' Sessions. „ Symonds, J.P. Right Hon. Lord Windsor. „ Williams, R. Drane, F.L.S. Councillor Yorath (Vice-Chairman). W. Goscombe John, A.R.A.; Dr. C. T. Vachell, J.P. J. J. Neale. Prof. W. N. Parker, Ph.D. T. W. Proger. T. H. Thomas, R.C.A. C. F. Thompson, J.P. J. L. Wheatley. Rev.W.E.Winks, F.R.A.S. H. White, J.P. C. H.James, J.P. Cardiff: WILLIAM LEWIS, PRINTER, DUKE STREET.