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OFFERTORIES AND COLLECTIONS AT ST. MARY'S DURING FEBRUARY, 1901. ENGLISH. Feb. yd, 11 >» " "1. „ 10th, »» >» »» »» I7th, i> »> >> >> *4th, 8 a.m. II-30 a.m. 6-30 p.m. Sam. 11-30 a.m. 6-30 p.m. 8 a.m. II-30 a.m. 6-30 p.m. 8 a.m. H-30 a.m. 6-30 p.m. 020 106 0 10 6£ 027 1 o 6 076 027 o 14 9i o 8 0 4 1 2 o t 1* Total (English) £6 3 10 WELSH. 3rd, >> 10th, >> 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 8 p.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 17th, 24th, 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 10 a.m. >> 6 p.m. I 6. d. 0 8 9* 1 4 0 11 0 6 4* 0 18 0 7 «* 0 15 0 7 0 17 Total (Welsh) £s *2 lIi Average par Sunday £2 19J. zd> SUNDAY SCHOOLS AVERAGE ATTENDANCE, FEBRUARY, 1901. Welsh Adults and Infants English Hirael .. 223 92 365 BAPTISMS. February 3rd.__Noel Price, son of William Price and Margaret Ann Smith, York House. I0th.__Doris Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jevons, William Street, Bangor. 15th.__Eluned Collett, daughter of Thomas and Emma Elizabeth Jones, Ty'nrodyn. MARRIAGES. February 5th.—Frederick Chill, 5, Gaunt's Buildings, Leek, Staffordshire, to Ruth Worthington, Albert Place, 51, Holyhead Road, Upper Bangor. BURIALS. February 5th.—John Williams, No. 1, Garth Road, aged 17 years. 6th.—Mary Grace Griffith, 6, Menai View Terrace, aged 83 years, widow of late R. M. Griffith, N.P. Bank, Bangor. ,, 23rd.—Ann Davies, High Street, Bangor, aged 81 years. ,, 26th.—John Evans, from Workhouse, aged 93 years. 28ih.—Hugh Jones, coach builder, High Street, Bangor, aged 70 years. BALANCE SHEET OF SALES OF WORK, 1899 and 1900. We have much pleasure in, at last, publishing the following balance sheet, showing the receipts from the Sales of work for 1899 and 1900, and the manner in which that money has been expended. The reason for the delay in publishing a statement of the accounts is due to the fact that only a portion of the proceeds of the 1899 Sale had been spent, viz., ,£28 8*. %d. for new windows, while the remainder was carried forward to next year's account. Now, however, that we have paid off the mort¬ gage of ;£ioo, the proceeds of both Sales have been expended, leaving a deficit at the bank of ^3 \2S. gd. Our readers will observe that we have not been able to transfer any portion of the proceeds to the Curate's Fund as we intended doing. We thought it the better plan to devote the whole of the proceeds towards paying off the mortgage, and then to give the proceeds of this year's Sale to the Curates Fund, which we regret to say is about ^60 in debt. But this is the only fund, we are glad to say, which is now in debt ; and this fund will be put right after this year's Sale. We shall then be in the happy position of " owing no man anything." We think St. Mary's Church may be congratulated upon the present state of its finances. jejpenDiturc. Sale of Work expenses, Nov. 1899 Messrs. Seward & Co. (new windows) Sale of Work expenses, Dec. 1900 Paying off Mortgage interest and expenses £ s. 28 8 d. 2 10 legal 105 o o £^37 H 2 "Keceipts. Proceeds of Sale of Work, Nov., 1899 Proceeds of Sale of Work, Nov., 1900 Balance due to Lloyd's Bank Audited and found correct.—R. Chambers. s. d. ■ 56 16 • 77 12 ^37 14