Swansea Grammar School flfoaoa3tne- Vol. 6. MARCH, 1909. No. 1. Editors— J. F. Powell. E. W. Barton. Committee— J. Roberts. M. D. Jones. Ivor Davies. A. L. Prichard. I. P. Thomas. T. Bairdow. E. T. Roberts. B. O'Sullivan. F. Palmer. G. H. Packer. H. Rawlings. EDITORIAL. The Editors trust the present issue, containing as it does, extra pages and two photo groups, will be well received by the School. At first the Editors were afraid they would not get sufficient matter to make a magazine; the usual practice among would-be contributors seems to be to ask " when is absolutely the last day for sending in," and then to send in three days late. However, the accounts of Prize Day, the Dramatic Entertain¬ ment, the Football Matches and Competitions have occupied considerable space. Then there is a long and welcome letter from G. S. Arthurs, who is taking very kindly to his new duties as a civil servant, and has discovered quite a fund of humour in dry documents and red tape. There is also a story by one of the Editors, and perhaps most important of all, there is an official communication from the Old Boys Association, contain¬ ing a valuable suggestion, viz.:—the formation of an Advisory Committee of Old Boys, to advise those who are about to leave School, on their future careers. In the end, more suitable matter was received than could be issued with this number, and in spite of the increased number of pages, several articles have been held over, and the number of School Notes has had to be somewhat shortened. We notice that several misprints have been overlooked in reading the proofs, but no prize is offered to anyone sending in a complete list.