Swansea Grammar School flDagasine, Vol. 4. DECEMBER. 1907. No. 3. Editors— M. Hoskin. H. Hemming. Committee— E. W. Barton. A. Lloyd. J. H. Davies. J. Roberts. B. O'Sullivan. J. A. Perry. B. Ladd. A. V. Parsons. A. J. Dann. C. Lyons. H. J. Kirkman. EDITORIAL. The Editors have to apologise to the School for the non-appearence of the Magazine last Term ; the truth is that only one contribution was received, and that, too, after public exhortation, and private entreaty of the most pressing kind. Candour compels us to recognise a complete lack of freshness in this editorial excuse, but, after all, the Editors cannot be expected to write the whole Magazine themselves. This Term sufficient material has been received to justify a new issue, and we trust it may give satisfaction. The piece de resistance will doubtless be the harmonious triad of " The Ravens, the Falcons and the Brothers Kearton, which, by the bye, seems hardly complimentary to the Brothers Kearton. The promised contribution from S. Africa not having arrived, we have pressed our own French Correspondent into the public service, and hope his little letter may provide food for mirth— reflection. The School Paper Chase has been revived, and it is hoped that our School Poet and our Serial writer may be re-suscitated in time for next issue.