Swansea <3rammar School HftaGasme- Vol. 4. DECEMBER, 1906. No. 1. Editors— H. G. Benner. G. S. Arthurs. Committee— T. R. Hutton. J. S. Prichard. E. W. Barton. T. Edwards. E. C. Carr. S. Palmer. G. M. Thomas. J. B. O'Sullivan. R. Saltern. J. A. Perry. EDITORIAL. ------o------ The Editors regret to announce that a loss was sustained on the last number of the magazine ; this was no doubt partly due to the fact that the magazine came out during the exams., but it is hoped that this Term, with a greater number of boys in the school and with the help of a new and presu¬ mably enthusiastic committee, we shall be able not only to pay our way but also to wipe out the debt. We intended to give a photo of last season's Cricket XI in this number but, as several members of the team have left, this has been found impossible. However, we hope to publish a photo of the Football XV in our next issue. We are glad to notice that boys are beginning to contribute in earnest to the magazine, for we received a record number of contributions and accepted more than we could print. This is very gratifying and we hope that it will not prove a passing breeze but a steady trade-wind. Our hopes are raised by the fact that several boys are already preparing to write for the next number. We regret, however, that our Own Poet has shorn his locks and that his muse is now silent. The present issue contains an account of two new School Societies, and an Old Boys' Society is already in the air.