Swansea (Brammat School flftaga3tne. Vol. 3. JULY, 1906. No. 3. Editors— H. G. Benner. G. S. Arthurs. Committee— J. H. Jones. A. H. Parry. S. Davies. H. Hemming. A. Lloyd. W. E. Davies EDITORIAL. ------o------ It is pleasing to see that in this issue of the Magazine more contributions than usual from boys in the Lower School are included, for it shows that it is not only the Upper School, but also the Lower which is interested in the Magazine. We have one article from even a First Former and we hope that this will serve to encourage other boys in the Lower Forms to contribute to subsequent numbers of the Magazine. In fulfilment of a long-standing promise, a photo of Form V is inserted in this number and we hope it will meet with the approval of all supporters of the Magazine. In our correspondence column a letter from from Mr. Goff. Jones, of Malta (an Old Boy of the S.G.S.) will be found and it cannot fail to interest all boys who are still at school. Accounts of the Earthquake by Mr. Owen, Mr. John, Mr. Beanland and J. W. Hughes (Via) are included in this issue of the Magazine so that a general idea of how the different parts of the School were affected by the seismic disturbance of June 27th may be gained. The account of the Oral Examination should prove a pleasant reminiscence to boys in the Upper School, and act as a future guide to those who have that honour still before them.