Swansea Grammar Scbool fll>aoa3tne. Vol. 3. MARCH, 1906. No. 2. Editors— H. G. Benner. G. S. Arthurs. Committee— J. C. Burns. A. H. Parry. Stan. Davies. H. Hemming. A. Lloyd. S. Morgan. EDITORIAL. ------o------ We are pleased to see that more interest is being taken in the School Magazine. This is shown in two ways, by the number of contributions sent in and by the number of magazines sold. We do not know whether the promise of a half holiday to every boy who gets his contribution accepted has anything to do with the former, but, with regard to the latter, we do know that not a single copy of the last magazine was left unsold. Although the last issue was sold out, yet, owing to the extra cost of reproducing the photograph of the VI., a slight loss was sustained, and as this number is larger than any previous one, containing as it does, photos of the Footer XV., and of the Staff of Masters, together with considerably more literary matter, we are compelled to raise the price to six¬ pence. However, we hope the School will support our action by again buying up the whole of our issue. Our next number will contain letters from our Foreign correspondents.