Swansea Grammar School fll>a<ja3tne. Vol. III. NOVEMBER, 1905. No. 1. Editors— H. G. Benner. G. S. Arthurs. Committee— J. C. Burns. A. H. Parry. Stan. Davies. H. Hemmings. A. Lloyd. S. Morgan. EDITORIAL NOTE. ------o------ Two new editors make their bow with this number, and crave the indulgent sympathy of all their readers, for they feel the full weight of the great responsibility which rests upon their shoulders. It is hoped the School will loyally support their first attempt in the editorial line, especially as the Magazine is now for the first time blossoming out in all the glory of an illustration. It is feared the Magazine's finances will not bear this additional strain unless the School liberally responds with numerous orders. This issue contains several contributions by former editors and other Old Boys, including a poetical effusion which plumbs the depths of human nature and rises at the end to the realms of the sublime. An attempt has also been made to make the School Notes more generally interesting—an attempt which it is hoped will be duly appreciated by the Middle and Lower School.