Swansea Grammar School flfcaoasine- Vol. 2. MAY, 1905. No. 2. Editors— W. R. Thomas. H. Donaldson. Committee— H. G. Benner, W. D. Owen, G. S. Arthurs, A. H. Parry, B. Last, R. J. Prees, C. Phillips. EDITORIAL NOTE. ------o------ We must apologise for the late issue of this number, but it would be well for our readers to remember that a magazine cannot be issued without " copy," and that the Editors cannot be expected to write all the contributions. Having submitted this apology we have a rather pleasant announcement to make, namely that for the first time since the issue of our pioneer number a profit has been made. It only amounted to a few shillings, but is served to shew that the interest taken in the Magazine is increasing. Let us hope that this state of affairs will continue. A new experiment is being tried this term with regard to the Games, the School having been divided up into four "houses" under four "house-captains." It is hoped that boys will not rest until they see their " house " at the top of the School, and if we all remember that the success of our " house " depends, not on what other boys do, but upon what we ourselves do individually, it will contribute largely towards increasing the amount of esprit de corps in the School. If this object is attained, the "house" system will have more than fulfilled the expectations of its promoters. H. D.