Swansea (Srammar School fll>aga3ine* Vol. I. JULY, 1904. No. 3. Editors— D. J. Lloyd. W. R. Thomas. Committee— D. J. Morris, D. O. Thomas, H. Donaldson, H. Benner, M. Hoskin, J. R. Symons, J. A. Webb, C. A. Hopson. EDITORIAL NOTE. ------o------ It is with misgivings that we publish the third number of the School Mag., which has not had the reception it should have had in the School. The novelty of the first number promoted its sale somewhat, and a slight profit was made, but more than that amount was lost on the second number, which sold particularly badly in the Lower School. At first only two of IIIB. would invest 4d.; the rest of the form seemed to imagine that someone was trying to make money out of them. Let us assure them and others that it is not so. Indeed, if more copies of No. 3 are not sold the Magazine Co. will have to liquidate. Both numbers were, however, very well received outside the School—by parents, by the Press, and by those interested in the School.