Swansea (Brammar School flDaga3tne, Vol. I. MARCH, 1904. No. 2. Editors— D. J. Lloyd. W. R. Thomas. Committee— D. J. Morris, D. O. Thomas, H. Donaldson, H. Benner, M. Hoskin, J. R. Symons, J. A. Webb, C. A. Hopson. EDITORIAL. By the time these lines have reached the printer's hands our first number will have afforded adequate time and opportunity to earn for itself the praise or censure which it deserves— justly or unjustly so—at the hands (or brains) of its readers. We feel highly pleased to inform all those who are in sym¬ pathy with our efforts that the Magazine received a reception worthy of our best periodicals, and were its circulation in¬ creased we venture to state that it would soon become a potent factor among the varied specimens of literature which now swarm our libraries and bookshelves. Everyone is acquainted with the saying—" There is a beginning to every¬ thing "; and while launching our first ship, so to speak, we became aware of another important fact: that printers are by no means the class of business men who carry out their contracts with the greatest possible dispatch. For the printing of this number we have decided to test the abilities of another firm, in the hope that they will favour us with