j3wAN$EA 'CJF(AJVIJV!AF( jScHOOL ^VlAQAZ;iJME. Vol. I. NOVEMBER, 1903. No. 1. Editors— D. J. Lloyd. W. R. Thomas. Committee— D. J. Morris, D. O. Thomas, R. Burn, M. Hoskin, J. R. Symons. EDITORIAL After an interval of nearly six years the publication of the Swansea Grammar School Magazine is to be resumed. The idea aimed at in so doing is to bring the boys of the school - into closer relationship with each other, and to convey to the parents and friends of the boys, some idea of what is being carried on at, and what fruits are being reaped from the Swansea Grammar School. Naturally a publication of this kind must pass through severe criticism : yet, the Editors who, by the way, are quite novices in this profession, hope that the critics will exercise a little leniency toward them in this new undertaking. It is to be deplored that such a publication should have been dispensed with at all, because whatever be its literary qualities, it is always a source of interest and delight to its readers. Our school has its traditions, and the Editors hope that this Magazine will help to uphold the glorious recollections of the past. Of course this Magazine is devoted first and foremost to the boys, and its success will depend almost entirely upon the support received from that quarter. It is to be hoped that this opportunity of displaying