Vol. IJ [1908 THE JOURNAL OF THE University College of Wales, AQRICULTURAL 50GIETY. CONTENTS. page Editorial .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 The Annual Address—Small Holdings and Agricultural Credit. By Mr. Ellis W. Davies, M.P. .. .. 4 Address—Cattle Demonstration. By Mr. T. R. Robinson, F.S.L, N.D.D. .. .. ........11 Dairying in Cardiganshire. By Miss Emma Evans, N.D.D., B.D.F.A. (Diploma) . ,......14 Some Observations on Dairy Farming in Cardiganshire. By Mr. E. Hughes, Llanbadarn . . .. ..19 A New Form of Cattle Crib. By Mr. G. J. Davies, Penlan ............25 Proceedings of the Society .■... .. .. ., .. 28 Secretary's Report .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 Treasurer's Report .. .. .... . .. HO Rules of the Society .. .. .. .. .. 31 Society's Competitions .. .. .. .. ..35 PRICE Is ABERYSTWYTH : PRINTED AT THE "WELSH GAZETTE " OFFICE, BRIDGE STREET. 1909.