•ol, II., Part 1. 1907—08. TRANSACTIONS OP THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF WALES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. CONTENTS. PAGE The Annual Addkess—The Relation of Science to Agriculture. By Prof. C. Bryner Jones, m.sc, p.h.a.s. 3 Obsolete Methods of Cultivation. By Mr. J, E. Hughes, Llanfihangel-ar-Arth ... ... ... ... ... 14 Draught Horse Breeding in Wales. By Mr. E. Hughes, Llanbadarn ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 Report on Swede Manuring Experiment. By Mr. Ivor Evans, Llansawel. ... ... ... ... ... 28 The History of the College Agricultural Department. By Mr. D. Hedog Jones, N.D.A., Jesus College, Oxford 31 Proceedings of the Society ...... ... ... ... 48 Secretary's Report Statement of Accounts ... Rules and Competitions ... List of Members ... PRICE is. ABERYSTWYTH: EVANS Bros., PRINTERS, &c, 17, PIER STREET. 49 49 50 61