Trie ^Dorcr;. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. 2. No. 12. [New Series] DECEMBER, 1906. Price One Penny Tost Free 2s. per annum, prepaid <X5X OOISTTEZNTTS. K^x, Notes of the Month.—By Gen. Superintendent. Echoes from Hill & Dale.—Being News of our Centres. Our Women's Branch.—Its Work and Progress Notes on the Sunday School Lessons.—By Rev. J. C. Rowlands. Coming Events Donations, etc. Better Housing of the "Working Classes.— Sir William T. Collins, F.R.C.S. The Angel of Death—R?v. F. B. Meyer, B.A. The Art of giving Xmas Presents.—Margaret E. Sangster. The Faith that Saves.-Rev Theo L. Cuyler.D D The Sunday Institute.—Rev. Carey Bonner. Notes of tk Month. By the General Superintendent. We have sent a copy of the Appeal, Urgent to be found in this issue, to all the Appeal, families of our Denomination. For the current four months we have not a penny in hand to pay the Grants in aid to our various Centres owing to a deficit of ^1,300—the result of a shrinkage in the Annual Collection for the past three years. We pray of the officers of our churches throughout the country, as well as our friends in general, to double their collections and contributions in January next, so as to wipe off the deficit of ^1,300 and enable us to meet the Grants necessary for 1907. We urgently need £5.000 for this purpose. Our readers will doubtless be Welsh glad to have an e*pitome of our Church evidence—seepage xc—to be pre- Gommission. sented to this Royal Commission. The Welsh nation has already made up its mind upon the question of Dis-establish- ment, and we are glad to find several protests have been lodged against the manner in which the Com¬ mission wasted its time during the last month in dealing with irrelevant questions. The opening ceremony on Theological October 30-31, 1906, was a mag- College, nificent success. A special article Aberystwyth, will appear in our new magazine for January next dealing with this important event, with a photograph of David Da vies, Esq., M.P , who with his family presented the College to our Denomination. The Torch for 1907. We heartily welcome the Monthly Treasury in its new form. As it will in future be issued iin the same folio as our Magazine, it will give us great pleasure to issue it as an inset each month in connec¬ tion with the Torch. It will give our readers General Connexional News, Notes on Sunday School Lessons, Children's Column, etc. In addition to all this, the Torch will be developed on the lines indicated in the Prospectus issued with the November number. Will our readers make this as widely known as possible, so as to double the circulation of the Magazine for 1907. The price will be as usual, One Penny. Special terms to churches for large quantities. All orders for the January number to be sent to me at 6, Ninian Road, Cardiff, not later than the 19th December. We are sorry to find that so many who endorsed the policy of the Temperance Legislation League have been misled. Several of its Vice-Presidents, including the Bishops of Llandaff, Exeter, Chichester, the Dean of Hereford, Principal Atkinson, Cambridge, and others, have acknowledged their mistake. Alderman Geo. White, M.P., says .—" I signed the now celebrated manifesto without ever dreaming that it was to result in a new League and advocacy of Disinterested Management." The National Temperance Federation and the United Kingdom Alliance re-affirm the position they have taken up in former years against all proposals for the Disinterested Management.