Tlfie H>orcfx The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. 2. No. ir. [New Series] NOVEMBER, 1906. Price One Penny. 'Pns>t Free 2s. por annum, prepaid) «X5X COTsTTElsTTS. KcS. Notes Of the Month.—By Gen. Superintendent. Echoes from Hill & Dale.—Being News of our Centres Our Women's Branch.—Its Work and Progress Notes on the Sunday School Lessons.—By Rev. J. C. Rowlands. Coming Events Donations, etc. TheGospel in Scandinavia.JessePage.F R.G.S The Master's Touch.—Gipsy Smith The Atmosphere of Sympathy. Mrs. Benham The Triumph of Brains and Hands.—The Milan Exhibition and what it commemorates. The Best Use of the Lord's DaA\—Rev. J. Monro Gibson, M.A.. LI D. NoUs of Ik Woxrth. By the General Superintendent. By the blessing of God, our work has Our assumed such great proportions that Magazine we have to double the size of our for 190T. Magazine for next year. Our readers will find from the Prospectus issued with this number that the interest and the literary tone will be more than maintained. We confidently anticipate to more than double its circulation Will all our Centres, and other Churches kindly send me the names of their agents for 1907, immediately ? Donations towards our Magazine Fund are earnestly solicited. As we have no Self-Denial Week this Our year, and as the very life of our General Centres depends upon the Grant in Fund. aid, which is given to them out of the Annual Collection made by the Churches of our Denomination at the beginning of the year, the devoted brethren who act as Secretaries and Treasurers in the various Monthly Meetings and Presbyteries for this Collection, are appealing for help to meet the Deficit of £1,300, as well as to increase the Annual Collection next January. If all our supporters double their subscriptions, this Deficit and the Annual Collection will be amply met ! We are issuing a leaflet, so that each family through¬ out tht Principality may know of the miracles of grace which, by the blessing of God, have and are being wrought in connection with the Forward Movement. Let this leaflet be carefully distributed. The late Principal of the Central College, Kentucky, the Rev. W Charles Roberts, D.D., truly said :—" The history of the Forward Movement forms the most inspiring novel that I ever read." Last month we opened this great Hall, Opening the largest place of worship belonging of to our Denomination. Those who are Central gleaning evidence—to present to the Hall, Welsh Church Commission — Newport, enumerated the congregation at the Central Hall, on Sunday evening, October 14th, and found 2,287 present that night. The spot upon which this magnificent Hall is built was a cess-pool of social and moral iniquity. Now it is transformed into a veritable garden of the Lord ! Hand in hand with the aggressive Our work carried on by our various Sunday Centres, our children and young people Schools. are being thoroughly grounded in the knowledge of the Lord. Will our Sunday School Teachers and Superintendents make a special note of the date of the last Oral Examination in the " Mother's Gift " and " Christian Inst: uc^r " ? The Written Examination in the History of our Denomination based on the '* Confession of Faith," with the above Examinations, are to take place on Wednesday, December 19th, 1906. Will the Sec¬ retaries of the various Schools send me names of Candidates for these Examinations, not later than December 5th JOHN PUGH.