Tfie orcn. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. 2. No. 10. [New Series] OCTOBER, 1906. Price One Penny. 'Poat Free 2s. per annum, prapai eQ cX^X OOlfTT'ElsrTS. K^X, Notes Of the Month.—By Gen. Superintendent. Echoes from Hill & Dale.—Being News of our Centres. Our Women's Branch.—Its Work and Progress Notes from my Diary.—By Rev. Seth Joshua, Opening of Pierce's Memorial Hall,Cardiff Notes on the Sunday School Lessons.—By Rev. J. C. Rowlands. Coming Events Donations, etc. Father Damien.—Sir Lewis Morris Call to the Mission Field.-R.F.Horton.M.A. D.D. The Family Altar.—F. B. Meyer, B.A. The Beauty of a Weed.—James Scott. Servants and Mistresses.—Jean Greenwood. The Institutional Church.—Thos. Phillips.B.A. TCoUs of \\a %v\% Owing to a deficit of £1,300 in our An Urgent General Fund, we are unable to pay Appeal. the grants due to our Centres for the current four months. Unless im¬ mediate help is given to us the work of God in many of our struggling Centres will be paralyzed. Fore¬ seeing this, our esteemed President, Principal Prys, M A., has promised £10 for every £100 up to £1,000 which will be subscribed to wipe off this debt, which as an incubus threatens to throttle us. As the General Fund is the very life blood of the Movement we pray of you to come to our help. At our Swansea Conference we A asked our brother Evangelists to Magnificent pray that God would speedily send Offer. us £10,000. We rejoice to say that a friend of our work has already promised us £6,000 on condition that we raise the other £4,000. Hearing of this, another of our ardent supporters promised £1,000 on condition that the other £3,000 be raised. The President of our Movement, Principal Prys, M.A., has also promised £100. This has greatly cheered us and will help us to relieve several of our Centres that are being crippled with their heavy debt. We are confident that the other £3,000 will speedily come to hand, for our friends all over the country will not fail us to secure this generous offer. We are grateful to the South Press Wales Daily News and the Western Appreciation. Mail for their excellent reports of the opening of Pierce's Mem¬ orial Hall, Cathays, Cardiff, on September 26th. Commenting thereon in its leader, the former organ says:— " The Cardiff Forward Movement, like the Salvation Army, has survived carping criticism because it has been founded on the principle that practice is more important than precept. It is an utilitarian Institution in the best sense, and we record with satis¬ faction its remarkable development. Yester¬ day's ceremony was the occasion for an in¬ spiring speech by the pioneer, and we express the hope that the public will generously support a Movement that makes for the welfare of the community." We are glad to present our readers Mrs. Davies, withan engraving of Mrs. Davies, of Treborth Treborth. She, with her daughter, Miss Davies, paid a visit to several of our Centres last month, and like many others who have come to see our work for themselves, Mrs, Davies confessed in her beautiful address at the opening of Pierce's Memorial Hall, that the half had not been told. The inmates of Treborth Home were greatly cheered by the visit of these ladies. The Executive of our Women's Branch and the Representatives from