THe orcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. 2. No. 9, [New Series] SEPTEMBER, 1906. Price One Penny. 'Post Free 2s. per annum, prepaid). «XsX COITTBITTS. KiX, Notes of the Month, By the General Superintendent. Echoes from Hill and Dale, Being News of our Centres. Our Women's Branch, Its work and Progress. Great Central Hall, Newport. Swansea Central Mission. Coming* Events, Donations, etc. Humour among* the Birds, Oliver G. Pike. England's Social Problems, II.—Among ths Outcasts. The Grace of Gentleness, G. A. Johnston Ross, M A. The Christian in Public Life, R. F. Horton, M.A., D.D, The Joy of Consecration, Charles Brown. "NoUs of Ik }ltoti\fe. By the General Superintendent. The good and kind friends of the Forward Forward Movement will be sorry Movement to learn that our esteemed General General Treasurer—Edward Jones, Esq., J P. Fund. Llandinam Montgomeryshire —will Urgent not have a pound in hand to pay the Need. promised grants to our 48 Mission Centres, for next Oct., Nov , Dec, and Jan. We are thus face to face with a -£1,200 deficit—for the grants come to ^300 per month. As no week of Self Denial has been arranged for this year to replenish the General Fund, will our good friends and generous supporters throughout the country please help us in this time of urgent need ? Any help will be thankfully received by the General Treasurer, the General Secretary, or by the General Superinten¬ dent, and acknowledged in the Torch. " He that giveth to the poor, lendeth to the Lord." This month the largest Hall and Important the largest School Hall ever built Events. for the work of the Movement will Opening be opened, viz : (1) Central Hall, New Halls. Newport, seating 2,000 persons, with its Class Rooms and Lesser Halls capable of holding 700 ; and (2) Crwys School Hall, Cathays; Cardiff, which provides room for over 800 scholars. We are fully persuaded that large though these premises are, they will not supply the needs of these two great and nourishing Missions. We could do with larger premises, both at Newport and Cathays, Cardiff, for these two Centres are among the most flourishing in the country We are, however, limited through lack of means. The expenditure gone into to meet the present pressing needs, compels us to appeal to those whom God has blessed with heart and means to send us the needed financial help Three thousand pounds is needed for the Central Hall. Newport, to place it on a sound financial basis, and to give its workers fair play to extend the King¬ dom of God among their fellows ; and one thousand pounds is urgently required to meet the expenditure involved on Crwys School Hall. We do not know where those whom God has blessed with the riches of this world could invest their money to higher purpose than in these two great Missions. The Moderator- ship of the South Wales Synod. We take our election to this high¬ est position in the gift of our Church in South Wales and Mon¬ mouthshire, as an expression of goodwill, and of appreciation of the great work done by God through the Forward Movement,