The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. With a large circulation throughout Wales and Monmouthshire. Entered at Stationers' Hall. VOL. 2. No. 7. [New Series] JULY. 1906 Price One Penny • 'Post Free 2s. per annum, prepaid!. Kolas of the Konth. By the General Superintendent. The Rev. Seth Joshua, and his faith- Swansea, ful colleague have been enabled Gospel (through the munificence of D Davies, Tent. Esq., M.P.), to secure a large tent to carry on their vigorous campaign in the metropolis of West Wales during the summer months. Meanwhile the work in the Central Hall is progressing apace Several young men from our Theological Colleges will visit there during their vacation. It will be difficult for them to find in the United Kingdom a better object lesson in aggressive Christianity. The life-like statue in bronze of Mr. Unveiling John Cory, prince of philanthropists, of John erected by his admirers at the Cory, Esq., Cathays Park. Cardiff, was formally J.P., D.L's. unveiled on June 21st, by Sir Wm. Statue. Thos. Lewis, Bart. The selection of a Cardiff boy—Mr. Goscombe John, A.R.A.—for the execution of the statue has been fully justified, for the artist has done ample justice to his own great reputation, and has added for the adornment of the Welsh Metropolis, a work of art of rare merit, The erection, said Sir William in his address, of a statue to a person during his life was very exceptional, but the almost innumerable and con¬ tinual good works of Mr. Cory, during his long career were so unique that it was a matter of great surprise, that some public recognition had not pre¬ viously been made of his noble services to his fellow countrymen Mr Cory's active life had been devoted to a multiplicity of good objects, but how¬ ever numerous his charities that were publicly known, his private charities had been even more so; and they were only known to Mr. Cory himself and the lucky recipients. Mr. Cory, had well earned the esteem and goodwill of his countrymen during his half- century of honourable career in the coal trade, and from small beginnings he had, by his energy, enter¬ prise, and unremitting industry, created such a world-wide business in co-operation with other mem¬ bers of his family as had placed him in the proud position of chief of a firm of merchants who were amongst the largest, if not the most extensive, shippers of coal in the world, and whose operations afforded employment for a considerable number of officials and an enormous number of workmen. Thus Mr. Cory, while being a keen and most successful business man, had at the same time been a great ben¬ efactor, and laid Cardiff and an important portion of Glamorganshire, with its teeming population, under deep obligations to him and his firm. Among other speakers Lord Kinnaird said:— Mr. Cory did not give to any object without inquiry and careful investigation, but when he saw what was good he believed in investing his money in it. He hoped his example would be an inspiration to many, for he had been one of those pioneers who had taught people the luxury of giving in their life-time, instead of hoarding their wealth for disposal after death. Our Movement has from the start found in Mr. J. Cory, one of its most sympathetic friends, as well