The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. With a large circulation throughout Wales and Monmouthshire, Entered at Stationers' Mall. VOL. 2. No. 6. [New Series] JUNE. 1906 Price One Pen.n v st Free 2s. per milium, pri-paid). Notes of the Wotfth. By the General Superintendent. Letter to the General Committee at Shrewsbury, May 22nd. Dear Brethren. He whose I am, and whom I serve knoweth that I am exceedingly sorry that my excellent doctor will not allow me to attend the Annual Committee at Shrewsbury, to express to you in person my deep-felt gratitude for your practical sympathy with me in my sore affliction. Our fourteen years' fellowship in the Gospel has deepened my love and admiration for you, year by year. I can sincerely say " I thank God upon every remembrance of you " What your fellowship and practical help have been to me and the Forward Movement, eternity alone can reveal. The deep and numerous gaps made in The the ranks of our Committee of late, are Blessed such that I cannot trust myself to dwell Dead, upon at the present time. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord ; for they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them." The souls won for Christ through the Forward Movement will enhance the joy of those who sacrificed time and money to start, and carry on the Movement. The question which now forces itself upon me as I think of the faithful brethren recently taken from us, is " Who will be baptised for the dead ? " To some of us the outlook is dark ; but thank God " Jesus lives !" and He is on the throne, so all is well. Though the servants pass off the stage, He remains ; and His resurrection life is throbbing stronger than ever through the rank and file of the Forward Movement. The pity of it is that we do not cut deeper and wider channels for the river of life to pervade and permeate the sin-parched places of our land for. " It shall come to pass that whithersoever the river goeth shall live." I spent all last week in Swansea, and Swansea what I witnessed there at our Central Central Hall, has done more to restore me to Mission, my former health and strength than my visit to Egypt, or the doctor's medicine The God who came upon us in power in the old borrowed tent at East Moors, on the first Sunday of May, 1891, when we had no Church or Denomination to support us, is still working in the same marvellous way, in this last venture undertaken for His glory, and for perishing humanity. What my eyas have seen and my ears have heard at Swansea Central Hall, has done more to recuperate my health and to restore my strength than anything I know for months past. I now feel the force, as I have never done before, of the eleventh verse of the eight Chapter of Romans ;— "If the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you." The waves of Spiritual life which pass over the Meetings