The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. With a large circulation throughout Wales and Monmouthshire. Entered at Stationers' Hall. VOL. 2. No. 5. [New Series] MAY. 1906 Prick One Penny Post Free 2s. per annum, prepaid). "3 Notes of \k Wontii. Last month will be remembered for A great seismic disturbances in all Terrible parts of the world. The eruption of Visitation. Vesuvius destroyed several villages and laid a fertile district under ashes. A week later there was an earthquake in Formosa, and in Las Palmas a volcano, supposed to be extinct* burst out into renewed activity. But ail these troubles were insignificant compared with the catastrophe— earthquake and fire—which on the iSth of April, and following days, rendered 200,000 persons home¬ less, and in danger of starvation at Pan Francisco. Hundreds were killed, and the property loss is estimated at £80,000,000 We are grateful to the Rev. J. A Pritchard, Birmingham, for his corn- Study pliment to the Forward Movement, and an in his Valedictory address as Mod- Inspiration eral^r of the North Wales Associa¬ tion, at Ruthin, on April 24th. He spoke on " The distinctive work of the Church of Christ in the world." He summed up the work of the Church as follows :—'* To possess the whole truth, by devotion to the Spirit's leading, and to administer the whole truth to the world, as far as is possible, by the power of the same eternal Spirit." The subject of the address of the Rev. F. B. Meyer, B.A., as President of the Baptist Union, de¬ livered at the City Temple on April 23rd. was " The opportunity of the Church." While safeguarding all that Mr. Pritchard contends for, Mr. Meyer takes the very step we yearn to see all our leaders take, at the dawn of this great new day, when the Church is re¬ covering her ancient energy, and shaking off her sloth, her conventionalism and her fear. Amalgamation. Lady Huntingdon's Connexion. Whether North Wales will join South Wales to have one Theological College at Aber¬ ystwyth or not, the munificent offer of David Davies, Esq., M.P., has been virtually accepted by the South Wales Association, and will be thoroughly considered by the Monthly Meetings and Presbyteries of North Wales. We are glad to see the unanim¬ ity with which the proposal of the Emergency Committee of the Forward Movement was adopted, with reference to tak¬ ing the oversight of Lady Huntingdon's Church in Hereford Other Churches of Lady Huntingdon's Connexion may be amalgamated with our own, through the Forward Movement : such a Union would prove a mutual blessing, and hasten the coming of Christ's Kingdom -------m------ XuAfc ttatt, Cw&t Stone-Laying Ceremony and Welcome Home. April 4th was the appointed day for this impor¬ tant double function. The sun shone brightly from