The Ofiicial Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. With a large circulation throughout Wales and Monmouthshire. Entered at Stationers' Hall. VOL. 2. No. 4. [New Series] APRIL. 1006 Price One Penny I'ost Free '2*. por milium, prepaid). Notes of tta Jltonth. It is almost an invariable rule The Welsh that the Converts who became Revival and pledged total abstainers are to-day Temperance, bright members of our Churches ; whereas the majority ot those who refused to do this have lapsed. All members of our Forward Movement Churches are deemed to be total abstainers. Laxity on this point would soon ruin our Centres We are glad to find that the reports presented during last February in the Brewster Sessions in various parts of the Principality, show that there has been a decrease in drunkenness in many districts— especially those in which the Revival was in evidence. Some of the police officers in their reports refer to the visible effects of the Revival, and the good results that have followed. Church Manuals published by many of the Welsh and English Churches in Wales also show that there has been a marked difference in the religious life of the members of the Church. Temperance Societies have been established in many districts where there were no societies before the Revival, and a much larger number of Churches use non-alcoholic wine in the Communion. In addition to this there has been a distinct difference observable in the work done by the Temperance Organizitions in the various parts of North and South Wales. Many of them at present show better organisation, more practical work, and increased membership. In view of the promised Legislation for the coming year, it is important that an aggressive Gospe Temperance propaganda be piosecuted throughout the kingdom. Careful preparations should be made for open-air services during the coming summer, when the churches of our larger towns will be practically empty, and the parks and promenades crowded. The Quarterly Associations for Spring North and South Wales are meet- Associa- ing at Ruthin and Pontardulais tions. respectively, this month. We are glad to find that the Trevecca College Committee have recommended the acceptance of the munificent offer by David Davies, Esq.M.P., of a splendid building for a Theological College at Aber¬ ystwyth, In the t vent of Bala and Trevecca Colleges being amalgamated and removed to Aberystwyth, the present buildings couid be utilized as Preparatory Schools. As we think of the generosity oi David Davies, Esq., M.P.—especially with reference to the Forward Movement—we are reminded of Dr. Dale's remark : " The perfect charm of generosity is when it thinks of nothing except the misery it relieves : the ignorance it instructs ; the vice it reclaims." We look to the Associations for guidance in the proper administration of the Twentieth Century Fund (^100,000) A strong Joint Committee of the Home Mission. Auxiliary Fund, and Fotward Movement Com-