The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. With a large circulation throughout Wales and Monmouthshire. Entered at Stationers' Hall. VOL. 2. No. 3. [New Series] MARCH, 1906 Price One Penny 'Post'Free 2s. per annum, prepaid). Holes ot \k Jltotitii. The King's speech read by His Opening of Majesty on Monday, February 19th Parliament- is a document of the highest promise laid before the country during the last 25 years. Seven days prior to this speech,, the General Committee of the National Coun¬ cil of the Evangelical Free Churches, under the presidency of Rev. Dr. R. F. Horton, resolved as follows:— " That this meeting expresses its fervent satisfaction at the accession to power of a Government which is pledged to measures of moral reform( and to the promotion of religious freedom and equality. It is especially thankful for the election of 176 Free Churchmen to the House of Com¬ mons, and for the appointment of several of them to high office in the Cabinet and Government, It accepts these facts as an augury of legislation in the near future which will do much to purify the national life, to restore the impaired efficiency of Parliament, to improve the social life of the people, to reverse reactionary policies of the late Administration, and to elevate the ideals of the Empire." Our Campaign in Swansea Opening Of opened on Sunday, February Central Hall, 4th. Wonderful success has Swansea. followed the efforts of the Rev. Seth Joshua and his faithful colleague, Evangelist G. Howe. We quote the following testimony which appeared in the S.W. Daily News, for February 21st. " We often see it stated that the Revival is on the wane in the valleys of Wales, but those who had the privilege of attending like myself the Forward Movement Central Hall, Swansea, on Saturday night and Sunday last can testify from their experience quite to the contrary. Mr. Seth Joshua and his fellow-workers are doing wonder¬ ful work. The meetings on Saturday and Sunday night were two of the most remarkable I have witnessed at all. Those who are at the head of the Movement may take courage. This step taken in Swansea has already been fully justified." J H Blaenanerch. For further particulars vide Mr. Joshua's " Notes from my Diary," p xviii. Coming Prosperity. The great revival of trade which was last year predicted, is seen in both industry and commerce. Rail¬ ways in England and Wales yielded the investor ^400,000 more in dividend in 1905 than in 1904. We fervently trust, therefore, that churches of the Denomination and our friends throughout the country will heartily respond to the urgent appeal made on behalf of the Annual Collection, from which grants are made to our Centres. Our General Treasurer— Mr. Edward Jones, J.P , Llandinam,Montgomeryshire, is face to face with a deficit of over £1300. To withold the grant for one month would paralyse many of our Centres. We are glad to learn that some of