The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. With a large circulation throughout Wales and Monmouthshire. Entered at Stationers' Hall. VOL. 2. No. 2. [New Series] FEBRUARY. 1906 Price One Penny 'Post Froe 2-s. per annum, pivpii I). Notes of the XEoatii. THE SUPERINTENDENT. Will all the readers of our Magazine unite to pray for the complete restoration to health of our beloved Superintendent, and a prosperous voyage for him and his beloved wife. The friends of Heath Hall, Cardiff, are preparing for a Welcome Home to Dr. and Mrs. Pugh, upon their return from Egypt and the Holy Land. On the same day the Memorial Stones of the New Hall will be laid. Due notice will be given of the date to all our friends. It is not likely that a new Forward Movement Centre will be opened in Cairo or Jerusalem, but we trust the voyage there and back will prolong the years of Dr. Pugh, to develope and to consolidate the Move¬ ment, which has done so much to uplift thousands in our land during the last 15 years. We hail with delight the advent ci the Rev. W. S. Jones, MA., Machynlleth, to our ranks. He returned recently from a tour round the world, and is full of missionary enthusiasm. Several other Minis¬ ters may be added to our ranks shortly. OPENING OF CENTRAL HALL, SWANSEA. Such will be the name of King's Hall henceforth, after undergoing a thorough renovation. This impor¬ tant campaign opens on Sunday, February 4th. Were it not for this, our Senior Evangelist, the Rev. Seth Joshua, would have been holding Conferences in Germany this month. Will all our Churches, in and around Swansea rally round our good brother Mr. Joshua and his lieutenant, Evangelist George Howe, in this our great effort, especially at the formal Open¬ ing Ceremony, the date of which will shortly be fixed. The Opening Services will be continued every night throughout the month WTe need at least £1,000 to pay for the renovations. Pray for a mighty Revival. May the King of Kings have an over¬ whelming victory at the Central Hall, and may it be the birthplace and home of hundreds of precious souls THE GENERAL ELECTION. This month heralds the dawn of a new era. A mighty religious revival has been followed by a mighty political revolution. The nation has expressed itself in a signal and almost terrifying manner. We have been like men in a dream as we read the great record of victories. The triumph of Liberalism and Labour is unparalleled in the history of the country and must change the complexion of our politics hence¬ forth. Our danger is a reaction caused by either apathy or impatience. Now the heart of the nation is sound and we expect great things from the new Government, Legislation based upon the convictions of the people is a prospect in which we rejoice.