The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. With a large circulation throughout Wales and Monmouthshire. Entered at Stationers' Hall. VOL. 2. No. i. [New Series] JANUARY. igo6 Price One Penny ''Post Free 2s. per annum, prepaid . Jltotitiity Notes. By the General Superintendent. to see them. Precious souls are still being saved, and the work spiritually was never more flourishing. Before leaving for a much-needed An Earnest rest to some sunnier climate, allow Appeal. me to wish all my comrades and friendsavery HAPPY NEW YEAR, and to appeal to all God's people for their earnest prayer on my behalf, and for their financial help during the forthcoming week of prayer towards the Forward Movement. The low condition of our General Fund weighs heavily upon my poor heart ; and it will be health and strength to my body as well as soul if all our Centres and friends will make a big effort to double their gifts this year. This will square up the present deficiency of £1,300, and enable us to open up new Centres in places of urgent need. In our Report for the last The Lord is good, six months, submitted to the General Committee at Shrewsbury, Dec. 15th, 1905, by our faithful colleague, the Rev. Jn. Thomas, we were able, through the blessing of God, to report progress all along the line. Most of our Halls are well filled on ordinary Sundays, and crowded to overflowing on special occasions. Some of them are crowded every Sunday ; but some of them are not as full as we would like or expect yet Huge Developments. We are now face to face with the most important and huge developments in our history. (1) There is, first and foremost, the great Central Hall at Newport. This will seat 2,000 persons, and its Lecture Halls and Class Rooms will hold Soo. If ever a Mission required a place of the size, it is our centre of work at Newport, for literally hundreds have had to be turned away Sunday after Sunday for years past from our present hired hall. (See central pages of "The Torch" for this month, read them carefully, and pray send us help.) (2) The second, and the most important undertaking ever yet attempted by us in Swansea, is that of securing the large King's Hall, with its shops and offices, for a great Central Mission in that important town. This magnificent pile of buildings, erected upon a freehold site in the cer'n. of the town, and amid a teeming population, originally cost £14,000, but was recently purchased by us out of Chancery for £6,100. To alter and fit up this great building for our soul- saving work will cost us fully £1,000. Even then it will be one of the cheapest and best things ever secured for our work. The Campaign will begin here (d.v.) on the first Sunday of next month, and will be led by our veteran pioneer Evangelist, Mr. Seth Joshua, assisted by Evangelist Howe, of Morriston. Brethren, pray that this bold venture may prove the mightiest blessing